What Price? - August 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 14th, 2009

Another morning mass, another wizard [Aug. 14th, 2009|09:44 am]


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[Current Location |mayfair, london, uk]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Augustus Pye
Where: Farm Street Jesuit Centre / Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mayfair
When: Friday morning, 14 August, after the 8am mass
What:Phillip has something to give Gus which brightens his day
Status: Log, Complete
Warnings: none

Temptation comes in all shapes and sizes. And some of them I think are better heeded than ignored )

Borrowed Ministry Owl [Aug. 14th, 2009|05:22 pm]


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Mister Lucius Malfoy
Chief Warlock, Wizengamot
Dungate House

Dear Mister Malfoy,

I offer you my sincerest thanks on your assistance in this matter. I apologise for the tardiness of my response, but I do not receive owl post at my residence and am not able to check it daily.

Messages may reach me quicker via the journals.

With many thanks,

Penelope Clearwater
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[Aug. 14th, 2009|11:11 pm]


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[Current Mood |drained]

Who: Augustus Pye and Lucille Granger
What: Phone Call
When: Friday night, August 14, 2009
Where: their respective locations
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Gus checked again to make sure the recording equipment was set up properly as he shot a glare at the pay as you go phone he had purchased earlier in the week. He wasn't fully sure what the increased security meant. Hopefully it was a good thing in his favor. Hearing the phone ring, he took a deep breath as he hooked the bluetooth to his iPhone on his ear and set it to record. He wasn't sure if it would work properly, but at least it was worth a try. Clicking the pay as you go phone on, he cleared his throat.

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