What Price? - June 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 8th, 2009

Analysis: Government prospects [Jun. 8th, 2009|11:01 am]



From the inside of the Guardian on Monday morning

Following the European Parliament results announced last night and the thrashing Labour took in local elections last week, the future of the Labour Party in government remains in doubt. Already shaken by the expenses scandal and turmoil inside the party, including a backbencher revolt, the Prime Minister also faces fresh revelations of mismanagement following financial discrepancies exposed yesterday. Almost overlooked in the news that Labour has fallen behind UKIP in the Euro elections, this fresh scandal suggests the rot in Labour runs deeper than the mismanagement of expenses. Once the furore over the election results has died down, we expect further investigations of these discrepancies by the Conservatives.

continued at length within
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Lessons and memory [Jun. 8th, 2009|12:35 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy
When: Saturday afternoon, 6 June 2009
Where: Hermione's building briefly, and then Draco's new cottage
What: An Occlumency lesson produces no little awkwardness
Rating: G

There's a bloody irony for you... )
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Owls sent Monday morning [Jun. 8th, 2009|01:50 pm]
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Owl to Healers at Eryri Ysbyty )

Owl to the New Firm at Esmerelda's )

Warded owl to Lucius Malfoy at Dungate House )
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[Jun. 8th, 2009|02:20 pm]


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[Current Mood |restless]

Who: Augustus Pye and Adrian Pucey
When: Sunday morning, June 7, 2009
Where: Gus in his flat and Adrian on retreat
What: Phil passes on Gus' message and Adrian calls to see what's wrong and to make decisions about the future.

I'll make sure to give Never your undying love. )
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Who will be strong and stand with me?/ Beyond the barricade / Is there a world you long to see? [Jun. 8th, 2009|02:46 pm]


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[Current Location |oxfordshire, UK]
[Current Mood |scared]

Who: Gus & Penny
Where: Burford Priory, Oxfordshire, UK
When: Sunday 7 June 2009
What: Gus & Penny hit up a monastery for services, snuggles, a chat and a plan of action.

Let me know if you need help building up the barricade )
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