What Price? - June 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 9th, 2009

No more carefree laughter Silence ever after Walking through an empty house Tears in my eyes [Jun. 9th, 2009|12:50 am]


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[Current Location |london]
[Current Mood |aggravated]

Who: Penny, Gus, Percy
Where: Percy's flat, Lavender Hill, London,
When: wednesday, 3 June, 2009, backdated
What: weekly dinner. Gus talks of Lucius, Penny is distant, Percy is late, rocks are thrown at windows

As long as you're happy, Penelope. )
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Secure Internal Email [Jun. 9th, 2009|08:27 pm]


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TO: AllAgents (IRS Section C Field Agents, active and reserve)
FROM: SomersetD (David);
SUBJECT FW: This Won't Do

Team, just got this email from the Director. Field Agents are authorized to act to contain this security breach.

TO: SomersetD (David);
FROM: burbageg();
SUBJECT: This Won't Do
>If you haven't seen the Telegraph and the Guardian, then you should have.
>Please look into this. I wish to continue running a secret intelligence
>G. Burbage, Director, Intelligence Research Service

Someone is violating the Official Secrets Act. If it's a member of IRS, they've committed treason.

In detail, I want to know:
A: source of the leaks.
B: how long they've been leaking.
C: Anything else the Telegraph knows that they haven't printed.
D: Anything the Guardian knows.

I also have to urge caution. Newspeople often assume that any official attention means they have something worth investigating.

As usual, agents are expected to report findings as soon as feasible, and to take initiative in pursuing objectives.

I'll need your status reports before the weekly section-head meeting. I trust you will provide me with better news.

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