What Price? - May 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 24th, 2009

...swing, swing, swing from the tangles of - my heart is crushed by a former love... [May. 24th, 2009|12:48 am]
[Current Location |Redbridge House, London]
[Current Mood |confused]
[Current Music |"Swing Swing" - The All-American Rejects]

Who: Jacqueline and Christopher Warrington
What: A bizarre conversation
When: Saturday, May 23, 2009 - evening
Where: Redbridge House
Rating: G

I thought he might have stopped by to tell you. Given that… you’re the Registrar. )
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...and i wonder where these dreams go when the world gets in the way... [May. 24th, 2009|01:03 am]
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[Current Location |Marsden, Gr. Manchester]
[Current Mood |good]
[Current Music |"Acoustic No. 3" - The Goo Goo Dolls]

Who: Andrew Kirke & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Just an afternoon.
When: Saturday, May 23, 2009
Where: Their flat, Marsden, Gr. Manchester
Rating: PG-13 (innuendo)

You're like a girlfriend sometimes, you know that? )
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They got each other, neither one's complaining. [May. 24th, 2009|01:37 am]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and NPC Miranda Pye
What: Cultural exchange through the medium of music
When: Overnight Saturday/Sunday, 23/24 May
Where: Miranda's flat in Chelsea
Warnings: R for sexual situations

So what is a dime and why does she need it to call her mother? )
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[May. 24th, 2009|09:51 am]
[Current Music |"When the World Ends" Dave Matthews Band]

Who: Bill Weasley, Fleur Weasley
What: Bill tests an idea for the Order on Fleur.
Where: Shell Cottage
When: Saturday Evening, May 24
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo and "fade to black."

The concept is sound enough to be worth investigating the logistics. )
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Warded Owl to Lucius Malfoy [May. 24th, 2009|10:51 am]
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[Current Location |Redbridge House, London]
[Current Music |"Big Machine" - The Goo Goo Dolls]

Warded Owl to Lucius Malfoy )
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[May. 24th, 2009|12:22 pm]
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Encrypted email to Lucille Granger )
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[May. 24th, 2009|12:27 pm]
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Who: Malcolm Baddock; OPEN
What: A lazy Sunday afternoon
Where: A coffee shop in Chelsea
When: Sunday afternoon, May 24
Rating: TBA (but I wouldn't expect any gratuitous sex over lattes)

Malcolm sighed, putting the paper down and picking up the cup of black coffee. Tracing the rim of the cup with his finger, he glanced at the clock.

Three hours. Three hours and two newspapers later, and he had yet to find a job he considered satisfactory. Perhaps, he mused as he brought the cup to his mouth for a close sip (the coffee tasted like dishwasher, and he would have to remember not to come back here), if he had spent less time perusing newspaper personal ads, the time could have been used more productively. But he knew that the problem was not really his procrastination, but his standards. He did not plan on becoming a Potions factory again, nor did he want to work as a shop clerk. Those parts of his life were supposed to be past. With a new career to embark on that would promise greater prospects for the future.

He smiled lightly. Some future indeed. His eyes wandered to the window as he placed the mug back onto the table.
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[May. 24th, 2009|01:54 pm]
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Who: Fleur Weasley and Luna Lovegood
What: A visit from Luna
When: Sunday afternoon, 24 May
Where: Shell Cottage
Warnings: Rated WC for Weird Critters because Luna's involved

It was a cool day in Tinworth, but not so cool that it was uncomfortable to be outside at Shell Cottage, so Fleur had brought her students outside to work on the plants, both magical and mundane. There were four students and Margaux working in the vegetable patch, and Fleur was sitting on the bench reading to them and asking questions as they worked. Marcel was playing nearby with a toy that his grandmother had sent him: a carousel with enchanted horses that neighed and galloped as they spun around the central pole. He was babbling softly, half in French, half in English, and occasionally something that might be Spanish.
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I hope you remember to treat the gelignite tenderly [May. 24th, 2009|04:04 pm]


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[Current Music |Kate Bush, "There Goes a Tenner"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, Marcus Flint, and Oswald Bole
What: In which there may or may not be honour among thieves.
When: During the day, Wednesday May 20 (backdated)
Where: A gastropub in Chelsea.
Rating: PGish
Note: Thanks to Jillian for providing Flint and Bole!

"Not a good day at all, is it?" Marcus asked as he took the cherry from the drink and sucked on it. )
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Case file: Romilda Vane - 19 May 2009 [May. 24th, 2009|05:29 pm]
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Patient is a twenty-seven year old witch of mixed blood and wizarding background. See attached file for further details. Patient was rescued from indeterminate period (best guess is approximately four years or longer) in custody by Muggle enemies of wizardkind.

Patient is realistic and honest but her odds are low. )
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Owl to Luna Lovegood [May. 24th, 2009|06:12 pm]
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Owl to Luna Lovegood )
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Backstory: All is calm, all is bright [May. 24th, 2009|07:10 pm]


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Who: Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater
When: Christmas Day, 2008
Where: Percy's house in Lavender Hill
What: Presents are exchanged, as are worries
Rating: PG-ish

But for all the joy holidays tend to bring, they also highlight loss rather well )
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[May. 24th, 2009|07:32 pm]
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Who: Heather Jones and Malcolm Baddock
What: Heather goes looking for witches and in the process, picks up Mal. Attempts at sex set off paranoia and it all goes downhill from there.
Where: not far from Hogsmeade
When: Sunday, May 24
Rating: Hard R. Near-sexual encounter, character injury.

The easiest place to locate an unregistered wizard was in the small muggle village outside of Hogsmeade, Heather had found. After they went to the wizarding places, and found them destroyed, many of the wizards moved to other places not far afield. This was one of them, a small outlying pocket of civilization with not much more than a bar and a church.

It was the bar that she was sitting in, nursing a tumbler of scotch and staring down at her watch every so often to be sure that it was keeping time. She'd spent the whole day asking questions of the registered - this little excursion was, Heather regarded, completely extracurricular.
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[May. 24th, 2009|08:24 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Heather Jones
What: Working in government isn't always as glamourous as it's cracked up to be.
Where: Westminister, London, England
When: Monday, May 25, lunchtime
Rating: PG, perhaps, for language, if nothing else.

Her pencil drummed on the desk as she watched the instructor far ahead of her, lecturing the class as one slide flashed after another. The actual words of the man were being drowned out in a sea of blue, the yellow letters with things like "Avoid complimenting a person's body" and "Keep your work area decorated appropriately" blending into one another until she began reading it as "Avoid your work area."

Easy enough, Heather thought, craning her neck around to see if anyone else had taken the back row. It was almost time for lunch and she reckoned she might be able to cage a fiver off an unsuspecting victim. Then her eyes caught sight of someone she vaguely recognized.

Standing up and walking briskly over to another desk, she slid in next to Agent Hughes.

"Psst-" she said, jerking her head up as someone glared at her. Dropping her voice, she tapped her pencil in front of him. "Psst - hey. Why the fuck they send a priest to sexual harassment training?"
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[May. 24th, 2009|09:01 pm]
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Who: Harry, Meg
What: An encounter, and then lunch.
When: Monday, May 25. Noon.
Where: St. Pancras rail station, London
Rating: TBA

When the elevator doors slid closed behind Harry, he removed his glasses and shut his eyes, probing them with his thumb and forefinger though he was not alone. Today he had been useless, had failed to recognize a foreign wizard who was apparently found in Leeds. The quiet from the outside disarmed him, but he had given up trying to envision all the possible things the Order might be doing in the interim until some new information surfaced.

"Excuse me," he said politely to someone beside him whose eye he caught when he replaced his spectacles.
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...it's my party and i'll cry if i want to - you would cry, too, if it happened to you... [May. 24th, 2009|09:09 pm]
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[Current Location |Urquhart Manor, Scotland]
[Current Mood |bored]
[Current Music |"It's My Party" - Lesley Gore]

Who: Mathias (Derrick) von Rothstein, Morag MacDougal, Neville Longbottom, Chris Warrington, and NPCs Jacqueline Warrington, Devon Urquhart, and Emily Despard
What: Obligatory social gathering
When: Sunday, May 24, 2009 - late evening
Where: Urquhart Manor, Scotland
Rating: Possibly high
Status: Closed, incomplete
Notes: Please feel free to break into separate threads for separate characters, just label them if you're doing that. :)

Chris watched the crowds as they shifted back and forth on the Urquhart's dance floor, shifting through ancient movements that he hadn't practised in far too long. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be practising them this evening, either. His mother and father had stopped in for a visit, to check on Astoria and Vida, but his mother had taken ill shortly after arriving in London, so they had stayed at Redbridge House with Astoria while Chris did his brotherly duty and escorted Jac to her fiance's party.

In truth, he was abysmally bored, checking his pocket watch every quarter hour or so to see if they'd stayed long enough to be able to politely leave. The last thing he wanted to do, after all, was cause some sort of rumour about there being a rift between the Warringtons and the Urquharts.
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I don't know how to quit you [May. 24th, 2009|11:03 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |blank]

Who: Samrat Amarnath and Phillip Hughes
When: Sunday 17 May 2009, BACKDATED
Where:Church of the Immaculate Confession, Mayfair, London
What:Even Muslims go to confession or the only safe spot for them to chat. Sam seeks Phil's counsel, and Phil manages not to break down.
Rating/Status: G/PG? - Complete.
Faith in people and faith in Allah are not the same thing. )
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