September 11th, 2011

[info]i_chasehearts in [info]we_connect

Election Plot

As you all may have noticed from this thread, there's going to be an election for mayor.

Currently, Jack and Gaius are the only candidates. However, this is open to anyone who would like to run.

We will be starting campaigning soon and we're thinking the election itself will be held towards the end of November/Early December-ish. I'm thinking it will just be a poll that will allow for you to vote on behalf of your characters however you'd wish.

In the meantime, Jack and Gaius both need campaign managers if anyone's characters are interested. And your characters will probably be inundated with commercials and print ads and election stuff GALORE. They will probably be sick of both Jack's and Gaius' faces by the time the election rolls around.

So... feel free to comment here if you want your character in on the campaigning fun. Or with any questions :)