March 20th, 2011

[info]i_lovemrj in [info]we_connect

Looking for mischief

Would anybody like to play with Harley Quinn?

Fair warning - I cannot do AIM logs, I can only thread, and I'm not terribly speedy. I simply don't have the time to play that way. But I'd like to give Harley something to do before she just plain out abandons me to find someplace to cause some real trouble.

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_connect


Fred and Dean are in the mood to go hunting or sleuthing or protecting.

Baba feels like corrupting.

And Simon, of course, could fix someone up.

What am I saying? Anyone up for some demons, vampires, ghosts, injuries, bad guys, good guys, white hats, black hats, feats of daring-do? Y'all lemme know.