March 10th, 2011

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_connect

Ongoing City Plot

There has been, since the game started, an ongoing plot to reveal what the City actually is. This is something that we've been working toward, in one form or another, for a really long time. We know that people are curious about it, we know that people want their characters to know what's going on.

As we approach (slowly but surely) the time when things will come to be revealed, we realize that there are some things that can be known about what's going on. Some things that veterans know. Some things that can be found out just by being observant. The things listed here are open for anyone to know. More info will leak out as time goes on (and another post will be made in not too long about plot ideas that are going around, don't worry)

1. The City is a living thing. It makes decisions, has thoughts, gets ideas, causes problems, tries to provide. It's clumsy in it's workings. This much is obvious by certain things it does, like bringing Godzilla in or the Cupid that it created.

2. The streets move, the buildings move, even rooms inside of buildings move sometimes. This is normally a pretty random occurrence. But there are times when the City itself directs the movement to get two or more people together. It has it's reasons. Nobody knows them. It might not even know them.

3. It brings people in, sometimes it sends them away again. Sometimes they come back once they've left. If they come back, it's a crap shoot as to if they'll be the same person they were before, or not know anything about what went on when they were last within the City wall. The reasons behind this have yet to be discovered.

4. The people within the City that are not brought in are born there. These people are like background noise. Extras in a movie. There to be filler. They can be interacted with, they can be killed, they can be any kind of NPC that they need to be at any time. There is an unlimited number of them with unlimited possibilities. They do NOT know what is going on in the City. They are not aware of streets moving as an abnormal thing. They think it's perfectly reasonable. They aren't connected to the City in any way that lets them know what it's thinking, or what it's reasoning might be. They are just people. (There is more about them that will be revealed as plot goes on, a small number of characters already know information, others just have to get it too)

5. There are characters brought in from places that are not main characters. Such as the vampires Buffy fights. NPCs that are not City-born, in other words. Feel free to have them come and go as you need them. (this is more player knowledge, I guess)

6. There is a wall. It is incredibly high. Only those with the power of flight have been able to see over it. Nobody has yet tried to climb it, but it would be a hell of a thing to do. Not saying it can't be done. Normal humans have climbed incredibly tall things before and do it every day.

On the other side of the wall is a very dense forest. It moves. Sometimes it might be still for a while to trick the onlooker, but it will eventually always move.

The City IS an island. There is water surrounding it on all sides. There are rivers, and even a lake. The water surrounding the City, however, can become as big as the ocean. Seemingly endless.

7. The animals one might find within the City are the animals that can be found in any city. Birds, squirrels, cats, dogs, bunnies, bees, butterflies, roaches. Even horses. There's a zoo, in fact. Which is where Godzilla escaped from.

There's probably more, but I can't think of it at the moment. Feel free to ask questions here, and I'll answer them and let you know if it's common knowledge or not. Anything you see here, any character can know at any time. It's not secret by any means. And like I said, more knowledge will be coming. Eventually, all will be known. (Maybe there should be an evil laugh here?)
