February 22nd, 2011

[info]i_estrange in [info]we_connect

Ideas! Pretty Please!

FRIENDS. (totally wrote fiends at first, my bad.)

So I would really like to get some plot going with Doctor Strange and Spock. But, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure where to start.

With Spock, I would like for him to find some sort of kindred spirit with another character. Someone who can help him break a bit from his unwavering logic and his persistent need to try and find a way back to his Enterprise. He's feeling very isolated without his Captain and his crew. He needs someone to teach him that it's alright to come to a compromise with his emotions.

With Strange, I'd like for him to get involved in some sort of large plot that may or may not involve magics and the people against The City (if anyone has any ideas out there!) Also, a companion of sorts would be good for him. To get him out of the Sanctum all day. He spends far too much time meditating. He needs interaction, good or bad!

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I'm feeling the writing vibes, I'm just not sure where to start. And I want to do something beyond the casual "Hello! Who are you?" log.

Thanks! ♥ Marty

Afterthought: Dy, are we still on for that Jake and Snake idea?