January 22nd, 2011

[info]i_trickedyou in [info]we_connect

Just desserts, anyone?

So Trickster is now officially unleashed in The City thanks to its resident deity. I want to offer Tricky up for plot. If you want to do some kind of crack mini-plot like "Oh crap! My character lost their powers. Or has to tap dance. Or is only 10 inches tall and must wear ken doll clothes! How can I make this happen in game?" please feel free to contact me and utilize Trickster for all your crack plot needs! Trickster also likes to punish people. Sometimes fatally, sometimes to just teach a lesson, sometimes just to irritate you. You do not need permission to have your personal effects missing and blamed on someone else, your tires deflated, having a bad hair day, your left sock missing, whatever! No trick is really too small. But if you want him to do something larger in order to teach your character a lesson you think is important for developing them, contact me! Let's work something out! I am all for this!

*Did ya see what I did there? I misspelled the idiom because Gabe has a vicious sweet tooth and made it all punny. I pun. For fun!