April 4th, 2009

[info]i_payitgladly in [info]we_connect

This is an EX-CLERIC!

It's Lauren 2, she of the foul-mouthed ex-angel and the otherkin wolf girl/wolf brother. And now, I'm bringing in Errol Partridge, a character from the movie Equilibrium who was so awesome that the movie couldn't contain him and Christian Bale on the same screen for more than fifteen minutes :-P

He's going to be absolutely thrilled to see a city that isn't clean and boring beyond all imagining, and populated by real life weird people who aren't drugged up to their eyeballs and won't be shot on sight for expressing emotions. And while he's a trained killing machine, he's had more than enough of it. Think of him like the old guy in those western movies who hung up his guns. He might take them out again if it's worth it, but it won't be a decision made likely. He'd much prefer to hang out at a book store, drink coffee, and wear flannel shirts.

Plot-wise, he's up for pretty much anything, but I want to do two things first. I need to bring him back from the (very, very) dead, and if someone needs, say, a book store clerk or an art curator or something, he's more than game. The second isn't as vital as the first, but I thought I'd throw him out there. For the former, my ideas range from anywhere to suddenly talking to Death/a reaper/etc. to waking up in the hospital or morgue. Or something that I haven't thought of because I'm minus a pint of blood and just spelled "of" as "uf". I'm not picky!

So in conclusion: lonely depressed soon-to-be-not-dead ex-Cleric wants friends and plot.