November 2nd, 2008

[info]i_invent in [info]we_connect

Violet and Gwen Zombie Matters

Just tossing out a couple of random ideas before I post anything for the girls.

1. Violet is going to need a safer place than the youth hostel to stay at while the zombies are in full madness mode. She can cook up anything people might need in terms of self defense and might need an escort to the junkshops and the junkyard for more parts so anyone game?

2. Jack Harkness-shaped: He and Gwen should really get the new Hub off the ground since this smells like epsiode material at the same time :)

3. I just held Susan from the Narnia books and only curious: would anyone be game to play a family member or even Caspian??

[info]i_speaklatin in [info]we_connect

I have a brilliant plan to turn Sam into a zombie. Who wants to get cornered with him? I figure they'll try to find some place to hold them off and then Sam gets mortally wounded then bit and then zombified. -beams.- It'll be cracktastic.

[info]i_amjustjack in [info]we_connect

Does anyone want to play with either Jack or Crowley for the zombie stuff?

First come first serve, no plot will be refused, no matter how cracktastic. In fact, the crazier, the better.