October 19th, 2008

[info]i_meow in [info]we_connect

Friends! I'm looking for possible plotting and/or random logs. Below are my thoughts:

1. Jake -- He needs some love. I know I have been approached by a few muns who would like to "adopt" him and although I don't think he'd like to be adopted, I do think he would like to have a nicer place to stay. It's getting cold outside and his spaceship is lonely (and drafty.) Mila, you were the first to show interest in adopting Jake, so if you still want to and want to log something, let me know. Anyone else? I'd love to do logs!

2. Professor Higgins -- He needs to get out of his house. He's a recluse. I'm not sure that there's much I can do with him plot-wise at the moment (unless someone wants diction lessons bwahaha) but if anyone has any ideas or wants a random meet'n'greet, contact me! He's sulking.

3. Norman -- I would like to do an evil scene with Norman. Something that involves Mother and maybe death. Or almost!death. Maybe even (dare we say it?) a shower scene! DUNDUNDUN. Anyone interested in having their character come across a "close call" I'd be glad to be of service.

