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October 22nd, 2015

[info]talldarkand_ in [info]we_coexist

A new beginning (Narrative)

Eddie breathed out a sigh of relief.

This wasn't any city he knew. It was far from the Manhattan skyline he was used to, and entirely opposite of what he had expected to wake up to. It was random, refreshing and welcome. His skin crawled with the feeling of delight, the essence of freedom. Many in his position would be worried, scared that wherever they had ended up was ultimate. But to him, the newness of the finality was alright. Nobody knew his trials here, nobody would know his failures.

To his surprise, Eddie had awoken in his apartment as was usual. The peeling walls, the same smells, the clutter and the mess. There was a wall full of newspaper clippings from the Globe, articles about Spiderman....Spiderman. Hah. What a joke. But he was obsessed just the same. Had he the opportunity he would have killed that red and blue tights wearing nobody the second he could. Spiderman was the reason he'd been fired in the first place!

Revenge was a dish best served cold, and bloody...and tasty.

Eddie found himself salivating for an instant. Standing at the foot of a bed made of rumpled sheets and nightmares...he smiled some, shrugged and dressed. It was in the middle of pulling on a shirt that he noticed the laminated badge sitting on his desk. It said something to do with The City and being a part of the team there and there it was with his photograph and everything.

It was the second chance he had been waiting for.

This place, whatever it was, recognized his greatness. Finally, someone did. He wasn't a bad guy, not really. He had potential. He just needed someone to see it, to acknowledge it. He was Edward Brock, star reporter and this town would know it.

With confidence, Eddie marched in to the building of the job he had been assigned and he got straight to work proving he was better than everyone there. He had nothing to lose. And he was going to be making all of the headlines.

They would just need to wait and see.