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April 3rd, 2015

[info]nogarlic in [info]we_coexist

I am become death, destroyer of worlds (SW Leeloo)

(Violence warning)

His drunk was a hefty several days deep. Like the phantom of Bishop had predicted, it was not a far fall from drinking bagged blood to the live stuff flowing directly out of breathing people. Once he hit a certain point in his slowing mental clarity, he began to lack a conscience as well.

It had started as a controlled descent. The first human Aidan had taken had been a mugger in a dark alleyway. That had been good, though he'd frightened the man who had been the victim into fainting. Not caring if he'd been seen or not, Aidan finished drinking the mugger and left. From there he'd gone to a homeless woman, which would destroy him with guilt as soon as he was sober again, and had only gotten worse. The unleashed vampire moved through the City occasionally taking victims of his own, people that were minding their own business. Including the mugger and transient, there were four before he got to the strip club and stumbled his way inside.

Being late in the afternoon, there weren't many patrons about, and there weren't that many on staff, either. They all mostly ignored the newcomer, dim lighting and a ducked head hiding the smear of blood across pale flesh. He sat in a chair close to the stage and lost all anonymity. Aidan became a target for the roving dancers and the blacklight lit up what he'd been trying to hide.

He was greeted with a smile, followed by wide fearful eyes. It was all the signal the predator needed to strike. Fangs found beautifully exposed flesh quite easily, and then more, Aidan ripped through the club quickly, tearing open throats and feasting on the lives he was ruining. There wasn't much care given to what he was doing, he wasn't gentle, he was wasteful. Pools of red spread across outdated, dingy carpeting as Aidan hunted them one by one.

Like a cat, he played with them. Letting them run, reveling in the scent of their fear. He was Darkness, he was Death, he was once more the creature that humans and vampires alike feared. The boogeyman. The tale that adults tell their children to make them behave.

Aidan laughed and taunted, he sang old songs and whispered meaningless sweet nothings into the ears of his prey right before he bit into them. He was having a grand old time. The crying, the terror, delicious all of it.

He could hear the last one whimpering in a corner, behind a door. Thinking that she was safe. Already bleeding, she was simple to track down. But he played with her still. Standing on the other side of the door as if he didn't know she was back there, then turning and starting to walk away heavily to give her the illusion of safety. Just as he heard her sigh of relief, Aidan whipped the door closed and grinned down at her.

She screamed.