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January 18th, 2015

[info]by_any_other in [info]we_coexist

Directory Lookup (Matt)

The City was easier to navigate than she had any right to expect. After a morning spent at the City Library, she'd learned that the most recent phone book on file didn't have any mention of 'The Doctor' or 'John Smith.' She'd expected to feel disappointed. She hadn't expected to feel... lighter. And, when she found no mention of Leonard McCoy, she was surprised again to feel nothing but a gentle regret that wasn't entirely free of satisfaction either.

The next name she'd looked up had been a little easier - Matthew Murdock. She already knew his home address (and how interesting that her name was already in the phone book, too), but the business address was new information. Checking her watch, she decided that it was close enough to lunchtime for her to bring him something. She wasn't exactly the best cook, so she found a Chinese take-out place and stopped there before heading up to the address of the law firm where he worked.

Receptionists. Rose never really knew how to talk with those.

"Uh, I -- I'm just a friend, I don't actually have any appointments, uh. He... He teaches me martial arts forms --" The receptionist was staring at her as if she'd grown two heads. Rose lifted the paper bag with a black-and-white panda on it. "Lunch delivery," she sputtered at last, hoping it worked.