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September 24th, 2013

[info]i_gotsoul in [info]we_coexist

This meeting of ex-kidnapees shall come to order! (Beauty)

((Backdated to when Beauty first comes home!))

Megan had been distracted enough trying to deal with new responsibilities at work that she hadn't noticed that she'd been coming home to an empty house every night, actually being tired enough that she slept almost immediately and through most of her days off. But as she got used to her new schedule, she noticed. There was the matter of clutter, for one thing. Megan wasn't exactly a slob, but she did have a tendency to just leave clothes and DVD cases and magazines where they dropped and not notice, because she didn't actually have to walk over them if she didn't want to. And there was the lack of fresh food in the house.

And there was the distinct lack of her roommate's cheerful presence welcoming her home and being around to just hang out and gossip with and be friends with. You know, all the perks of having a roommate.

Actually, she'd noticed that first, but it hadn't stopped her from letting her shoes clutter up the living room or actually buying something other than frozen pizzas for dinner.

It wasn't like people didn't disappear from around here, though. Rufio seemed to be gone, and that made her sad, but sometimes people just... weren't there any more. They were dead, or sucked into other dimensions, or shot into space. That was life. She did some poking around, but she was no great detective and she certainly wasn't a good spy, so she didn't get very far.

Dispirited, she sat on the floor in a nest of issues of Seventeen and ate a pint of soy mint ice cream.