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July 13th, 2013

[info]i_seegreen in [info]we_coexist

The Hunt.....(Beauty)

Nothing was adding up.

Enigma wasnt in her cell (according to Edward and Jonathan) and while Bruce didn't really like or trust either of that pairing Bruce was aware that if they had actually known what had happened to her, they wouldn't have been shy about letting the scientist know. It was almost as if Bruce's wife had vanished into thin air and people honestly didn't just do that. Something had happened in that cell, and Bruce could only speculate so far.

It didn't help that Enigma had an array of friends, probably more people in this City than Bruce was actually aware of, but it wasnt like Bruce was without his own share of friends. Maybe he wasnt the best at staying in touch with all of them, but when you had good intentions people seemed to be more willing to help or provide information they would've otherwise withheld.

And so, Bruce came to the conclusion that Enigma really had gone missing. He didn't want to consider the fact that something bad had happened to her. That was too hard to think about, the idea of losing her forever. He loved her, but he also knew how she could be. Bruce had a feeling that if one of her friends had helped her escape that she would've called Bruce by now. Or Timmy at least. He knew she couldn't stay away from them for as long as she'd been missing without some kind of contact.

It wouldn't do to bother Damon of Dinah, even though he'd told Edward and Jonathan that he would ask them. If they had seen Enigma, he felt she would be back safely at the Tower (and up to her antics) but she hadnt come home.

No. It was time to go look for her.

And that was how Bruce ended up in the park.

Perhaps he wasnt the greatest at communicating with his friends, and for that he was truly apologetic but things in his life kept him from venturing out to see those of the people in the city that had managed to touch his heart. Beauty was one of those people. Honour if you knew her by her true name. The kind woman from the cottage that had opened Bruce's eyes to the truth early on. She had been kind enough to give him knowledge that had benefited him a great deal.

And she had also run screaming from the Asylum during the fight Hulk had with Scarebeast. Why she had been there, Bruce wasnt sure. But he would ask her.

He could remember his way to her cottage, having never really forgotten it in the first place. His feet followed the familiar path and somehow it looked different. Maybe it was the fading light of the day. Or maybe it was the fact of the house being void an occupant for so long, unbeknownst to Bruce. Whatever it was, he hoped that it would look again as he'd remembered it looking the first time he'd laid eyes upon it. When he'd stumbled across it tracking building movements in the beginning.

He hoped his friend was home, and above all doing well. Perhaps this would give them a chance to catch up, especially if she knew anything about Enigma or her whereabouts. The fact that they ran in different circles would help. At least someone would know to keep an eye out. And Bruce certainly hoped Beauty would.

He finally reached the door to the cottage and paused, lifting a hand to the wooden door to knock gently upon it. He didn't know quite what to say to her, considering it had been so long, but he hoped she might know something. Anything. He was worried sick about his wife.