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December 31st, 2012

[info]i_haunt in [info]we_coexist

Reclamation (Enigma)

Warning - Gore

As soon as he knew Christine was out of the manor and off on the errand she needed to run, Erik began his preparations for the meeting he needed to have with his current diva. The first order of business was to send his town car to Stark Tower, with instructions for the driver. Next, because Hannibal had encouraged him to take a short walk, a short walk he took -- downstairs from his set of rooms, through the grand manor, and into the library, by way of his shower, by way of his closet.

He waited for Enigma to be brought to him. In pristine elegance, dressed head-to-toe in a formal suit, black-gloved, and silent, he waited. His complexion had taken on a more healthy pallor and the lines of pain that had been engraved in his face over the last three months had faded somewhat. He still carried the markers of a great and enduring illness, but he looked better than he had before.

The unquestionable air of power that he wore like a second skin, always, did the last bit of magic, making him appear as he always had appeared - Erik, the Opera Manager, a tyrant for perfection... and more, something more, lingering under the surface that his dark eyes only just barely concealed.

When a bell announced that his driver was just outside the gates, Erik looked toward the great library windows and found a crow on the sill. His mouth turned upward slightly. Minutes later, the doors of his library opened - silently, politely, with only the disruption of the air around him as his warning.

"Ms. Enigma," his butler announced formally. Erik rose from where he sat and turned toward the door.