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November 16th, 2012

[info]i_bite in [info]we_coexist

Back at it (Jo)

They had discussed further steps that could be taken to assure the safety of all the patrons. Hunters, vampires, and humans alike. What Jo had come up with, and what Eric grudgingly agreed to, was spells. Protection spells. She apparently knew of a wizard who could put such things into place and he told her to go ahead and do it. That he was going to trust her and not hover over her, and reminded her very gently - but firmly - that he had his own source that could check and make sure that nothing was put there that would harm himself or any of his staff or custom.

The spells would assure that no fights broke out and that nobody did harm to anybody else while on the bar's property. It extended out into the parking lot for good measure. Eric knew that many a bar fight was taken outside, and he didn't want to have to deal with dead anything on any part of land he owned. If they wanted to fight so badly that they all wandered to the park, then so be it. It was on them, then.

He knew that Jo was unhappy at the prospect of vampires taking humans home, but he told her that there was nothing to be done about that. There was no accounting for taste, for one, and there was no law saying that a citizen of legal age couldn't have sex with or supply blood for another consenting adult.

Safety measures in place, rule board duplicated (in the rustic style of Jo's half - Eric had had it made as a joke, but it didn't seem to be coming off as one) and in place on the less-than-vampire side, it came down to renaming and reopening.

Which was what the meeting today was for.

Eric stood in his half of the bar, looking at the other half, still wishing that she would agree to just burning all of it to the ground. He'd tried placing table cloths over the un-stylish wood tables, only to find them neatly folded on top of his half of the bar as soon as he turned around. The City, it seemed, was determined to keep this fiasco in tact.

[info]i_cancrow in [info]we_coexist

Reunions (Tinkerbell)

Rufio had had nothing less than a blast with Enigma, setting fire to buildings in the City and causing general mayhem. And it certainly stirred up the troublemaking blood in his veins. After only a day of sleeping off the initial rowdiness, Rufio had struck up his old habits, skating through the streets and alternating pickpocketing and taunting different adults to get them riled up, and tagging buildings and signs with the Lost Boys' symbols and drawings.

After a few days he decided to take a break, and getting a lunch of sugary cakes and soda from the local convenience store he went to a building with a nice roof for sitting and observing, and perched on the edge, putting down his skateboard and danging his legs over the side. He munched on one of the chocolate cakes and looked around, wondering what Enigma was up to, and what he could cause on his own. He also wondered if the Mayor had noticed thier trouble making, and if it was disrupting for him. The tri-hawked teenager hoped it was.

As the first sugar ruch kicked in he laughed at the look that might have been on Jack's face, and leaned back, letting out one of his victory crows. He'd visit the mayor soon and make sure the old man knew who'd set fire to the government buildings. Maybe it would be enough to kick up another fight.