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August 18th, 2012

[info]i_captivate in [info]we_coexist

A Potential Friendship (Christian)

With opening night looming, Christine was beginning to feel the pressure. She knew her lines and most definitely felt confident in her part but she just felt worried about letting Erik down. They had been working constantly on every aspect of the Opera, and her character, so she hoped that would mean she would be okay. He would have said so far if he was disappointed in her growth and ability. So she tried to keep herself calm and not worry too much about it. If she had something to be scared of or anything to work on he would not have let her go this afternoon.

As it was, they had the tradition of opening night drinks that would be held straight after the first performance. She had to be properly dressed and nothing she had bought with the help of Arthur would be suitable. None of her dresses were fancy enough really though they were all pretty. So she was sent out once again with some money to pick up what she needed. Mike was not available however and the driver chose to stay inside the car so she was left to her own devices. As she turned a corner to check a few shops she knew were along he adjacent street she walked straight into someone.

"Forgive me, Monsieur."

[info]i_zen in [info]we_coexist

Just checking (Jennifer, Errol)

Charlie wanted a book. Charlie wanted a new/old book. Charlie wanted to take his partner with benefits to get the new/old book. Charlie wanted to see a friend's place of work where he would take his partner with benefits to get the new/old book. Charlie was a very busy man.

The detective had heard Honour say that she worked in a bookstore, or had one. He'd done a little digging around and found a few places that might fit. So, under the ruse - a very poorly built one that would fall should his partner ask the right questions - that he wanted to buy a book and he needed her help, he headed out to find where Honour worked exactly. He wanted to make sure she was working for the right person, doing above the board things. He didn't think she'd mean to do something illegal, but innocents did fall into really bad situations when they were too trusting.

"Bookmark Books. First one on the list. Think we'll be lucky and I'll find the book in there?" He smiled at Jennifer. "Then we can get something to take to the park. There's this really shady spot that I'd like to show you. Poems, fruit, and park. Think that could be nice."