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July 6th, 2012

[info]i_jest in [info]we_coexist

What's this? (narrative)

Jack had noticed the change.

Certain key people seemed to be missing from the City. Oh, there were still citizens here who knew what he was, who he was, and that he wasn't dead. But there were so many others who were gone. Why were they gone? He had no idea. But the pretty birdy was gone. The fishnet magician was gone. He wondered if the Battiest of all Batfucks was gone as well. There was no real way to check that. Wayne Manor had stood empty of a true Wayne, though the ever loyal butler was still pacing around on the inside, going about things as if it were all normal and Brucey was still running around in a cape.

He wanted to get into trouble. Real trouble. So far all he'd been doing was having fun and teasing. But they were bound to know that he'd been the one by now. If they didn't, they were all stupider than he'd previously thought. Which was saying something, considering it had taken until recently for any of them to try to kill him. If it were him over on that side - how laughable, but possible, he supposed, in some twisted Other Reality - he would have done for a Joker nemesis the first time he tried to do something like shoot Babsy Baby in the spine.

No, there was no use in hiding anymore. No use in being the faceless terror. He needed to strike now while the iron was hot and the cats were gone. Really show them that he meant business.

But what... what?

[info]government in [info]we_coexist

The Missing (Charlie)

"Yes. Yes, I have your information." She said to the person on the other end of the phone. "Yes, I will look into it, I promise. We're all looking into every one of these calls. We're doing what we can. Yes. I understand... I do.... I unders... please stop yelling. Crying isn't really better... I'm sure that there's somebody more equipped to handle your current sta... yes, like a psychiatrist."

When she was finally able to put the phone down, Jennifer got up from her chair behind her desk and leaned out into the hallway.

"STOP FUCKING FORWARDING THOSE CALLS TO ME." She yelled - loudly - down to the reception desk. The anger was present in her voice. She'd told them before that if they actually wanted somebody to start looking into these cases, they couldn't keep sending her the calls. She couldn't do both at once. It was impossible.

There was also the issue that she was worried her partner was one of the ones missing. She hadn't seen him in a day or so. Hadn't heard from him. There was too much going on for him to be gone, though. She needed him to be here. She needed his help, and his way of comforting without actually having to say anything. His brain, she needed that, too. The way he thought, he might see some kind of pattern here that she wasn't.

Jennifer stalked back to her desk and sat down, leaning back a moment, enjoying the peace of the phone not ringing. If she didn't need it for things, she would unplug it right now before another call could come through.