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July 1st, 2012

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_coexist

Moving (narrative)

The City needed more people. It needed fresh faces. The seeking through areas it had already been was churning up nothing that it wanted. It had made the decision that it was going to try new areas, new worlds.

It set it's new path.

It had hopes that it would be able to fill the emptiness it felt, find new sources of power, and new companions. It was at it's lowest residency in a very long time, and it didn't like that one bit. There was a chance of finding one of it's species, and it wasn't sure that if it did so, right now, that it would be able to win the fight. The risk was even greater because it was venturing into previously unseen territory, but it was a risk that had to be taken.

The City scanned the planets it passed, seeking.

[info]i_wearpink in [info]we_coexist

Give and take (Pam/Baba completed)

Pam stared at the phone. It wasn't the one she was used to, but she'd learned it quickly enough. Apparently so had her maker as he was using it to give her orders. She considered for a moment throwing it at the wall, but tantrums did nothing when they went unseen. That and she wasn't one to throw tantrums, not often if at all.

She was to have a sibling. A sibling she had never met. One that was keeping her maker very busy in the making. As it was a very last minute thing, Eric had told, with the understood 'order,' her to inform Baba Yaga that he would be MIA for a few days. He did not say that she was to inform the witch what exactly he was doing, only that he was busy, which meant she had the very strong inclination to keep the why to herself.

The petite vampire didn't go immediately to find the woman - Eric had told his progeny where to find the small creature - because the bar wouldn't keep itself. She did all she could to stall the inevitable task of finding the witch, but soon, her work ethic of actually doing something had her out of the bar and racing to the library. It took her some time, zipping through the building, but she finally found the dark hard beauty surrounded by books. She blinked at the sight. )