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June 12th, 2012

[info]i_wearpink in [info]we_coexist

Personal delivery (Beauty)

Pam glanced back at Eric as she started seeing Beauty, what a ridiculous name. At least it actually meant something, rather than other certain people's names. She had been pleasant enough while Eric introduced her to "Beauty," and at first, Pam had actually thought that maybe something had infected Eric's brain and picked that name. A spell perhaps, but then she realized that was the woman's moniker. Well, at least it wasn't exactly false advertising.

She'd stepped away after the introduction long enough to call a cab, and was soon back in time to see Eric place Beauty back on the floor much like he had put her on the dais. She hadn't said anything about it, but Eric did get a slightly bemused smile with a hint of brow lift.

"Don't worry. We won't let anything too nasty bite you." She said almost flatly as she shooed a few of the curious away. The little human girl had garnered some attention from the tourists anyway; she was a human, and she had sat on Eric's throne! The petite vampire just shook her head and continued to get them out of the club to the waiting cab.

"What's your address?" The question almost seemed as if Pam was just going to drop the girl off in the cab and be done with it.

[info]i_haunt in [info]we_coexist

Mixed Grill (Lois)

Michael Deal, the executive assistant to the Opera House manager, walked smoothly out of the grand doors of the Opera House at 2:45 p.m. on the day he had confirmed the interview with Lois Lane. Although the interview wasn't scheduled to begin until 3 p.m. today, he expected that the woman would be early. She'd been persistent in her requests, and Mike had done enough research on her to know that she was what the industry termed a 'go-getter'. Those types almost always came early.

He should know. He was one of those types, too.

Mike lifted his wrist to check his watch one more time, then dropped his hands behind his back and stood at ease on the steps just in front of the entrance. Lois was a very pretty lady. He wouldn't have any problem picking her out. Not that there was a stampede of people to lead into the Opera House at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon.

While he waited, he reviewed the remainder of items on his list of things to accomplish today, planning his next moves in his head so that he was as efficient as possible. But he didn't have long to wait.

[info]i_chasehearts in [info]we_coexist

Let's Talk (Ted)

Jack had been busy since Lois Lane's article had appeared in the City Voice. He also wasn't quite sure how he wanted to approach Ted. He needed to talk to the man, but he also didn't want it to seem like he didn't think he was entitled to his opinion. In fact, Jack fully encouraged everyone in his office to think for themselves. It was simply that they needed to present a more united front while out in public. Jack would have preferred that Ted speak to him with his views rather than going to the press.

He needed to find a way to convey that without fully alienating the man who had completely turned the City's budget around and had even managed to hold down the fort during the standstill crisis.

Finally, he did schedule a time for Ted to meet with him in his office. He had his secretary notify Ted of the meeting and then he waited. The paper sat on the desk in front of him-just in case Ted had missed this particular issue.