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June 3rd, 2012

[info]i_thebeast in [info]we_coexist

Friends with Teddy Benefits (Fred)

After his time with Eric and Baba Hank found himself rather... lost feeling.

He'd shut himself up in his lab, working on his image inducer (it was very close to being completed, he was happy to note) and mulling over what had happened in the back of his mind. He'd gotten home fine that night, he remembered all of it, but even after a good long rest the beastial side of him hadn't receded. He could feel it, just as present as his human consciousness, but it was different this time. It wasn't fighting him, and he wasn't fighting it. It was just... present.

He wasn't too concerned about it either, oddly. Maybe it was still something about the blood loss and the experience he'd had with the other two, but he just wasn't anxious about the way he got distracted by a fly until he'd caught it on the ceiling, or that he spent and hour snoozing against the warm back side of his computer. Or that when he started making real progress with the image inducer for the first time in a while he'd started to purr. Frankly it seemed to be working for him, too, he was quite relaxed and unwilling to try to push himself into any type of feral frenzy.

Contentedness keeping him busy, it took some time for him to remember to check his email, but when he saw a note from Fred explaining to the rest of the JLC that Jensen was gone. He frowned, having known they were close. He glanced over at the "reply" button, but it seemed.... rather empty a gesture just to write a note. Very cold. And the feral part of the youth didn't like the cold at all.

Deciding to take a break he left the lab, wearing only a T-shirt and sweat pants, and thudded up through the halls of the tower until he found a recent scent of Fred's. He went and followed it, sniffing, and then pushing himself up to walk on his legs only as he approached the computer lab and Fred's scent got stronger. "Fred?" he called out, frowning. He could smell the sadness in the air, intensifying the scent and making the beast in him antsy and unhappy.