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April 2nd, 2012

[info]i_kaeps in [info]we_coexist

There's a Whole Lot of Talking Going On (Ollie)

Zee had kept the rest of the visit with Dinah as light as possible, not wanting her friend to worry more than she already was. The reality was that after Dinah left she'd called Ollie almost in a panic. They needed to talk. Now. Immediately!

She wanted to call Jack, see how he was doing and make sure she didn't screw anything up with trying to help while he was sleeping, but until this matter was settled she wanted to hold off. She was going to have to tell him that the lineup had changed...and hopefully she'd be able to give him a name of the new League leader. Gods, that might actually be a while since they'd have to take a vote with the others.

Waiting was the hardest part so she puttered around Shadowcrest cleaning things even though she really didn't need to. Shadowcrest cleaned itself, but sometimes it was good to be able to do things herself. At this rate she'd have the whole downstairs of the manor dustless by her own physical actions.

[info]i_tame in [info]we_coexist

Looking For A Fruity Companion [Ted]

If there were one thing anyone could say about Beauty, it was that she knew her way around books. And in a library, there was no one who could find what was needed as quickly as she -- just as long as the knowledge was contained within the book (and not one of those boxes with the clicky rat).

But when the librarian showed her the yellow book full of names and addresses and digits, even she was surprised how quickly someone could find an address. Charlie Crews. Now that the buildings weren't moving, addresses meant more than what they had in the past. Armed with her new-found knowledge and a hand-drawn map and a basket of fruit, cheese, croissants, and bordeaux on her arm, Beauty struck out one late afternoon, intent on inviting her new fruit friend on a makeshift picnic. There were still the wonders of the African horned fruit to discover.

Lightly traipsing up the winding walk to the door, Beauty was humming to herself as she knocked. A big, delighted grin spread itself across her mouth when she heard the lock turn in the door. She bounced on her slippered toes.