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February 25th, 2012

[info]i_lovereo in [info]we_coexist

Over the wall (Open)

The City was slowly devolving into a sort of panicked chaos. Jo could understand this, even if she wasn't all that broken up about the fact that streets were now stationary. Everything else, however, was a little bit nervewracking.

The Roadhouse still had a store of alcohol, but that was rapidly declining as people tried to drink away their concerns about the changed City and Jo could not for the life of her find where the shipments had come from before.

Which meant that she didn't worry too much about closing down the bar for a day. It was better than stressing about running out of booze, and she really wanted to check out what exactly was going on in the City.

She'd spotted the wall a few times, but it had seemed to go on forever. Now... well, the wall was high, but climbable. She'd brought gear to help with the climb and of course she had a gun, a knife, and a pack that held an EMF, rock salt, and a lighter. Just in case.

She was also dressed in the heaviest jacket she could find because the temperature in the usually pleasantly warm City was starting to drop and it had started to snow. She wasn't going to let the cold deter her though. Her curiosity won out over any desire to avoid the cold.

Once she touched down on the other side of the wall, she noticed that the trees were moving. And not from the wind. Which was... extremely eerie. All the same, she pressed on and kept walking through the forest until she came to an edge.

"Holy-" she muttered as she looked out over the drop off and saw stars. Lots and lots of stars and planets. They appeared to be moving, but then she realized that whatever planet or whatever it was that the City was on was actually the object that was moving.

She sat down, just a few inches from the edge and just stared in awe for a bit.

[info]brash in [info]we_coexist

That Hat Is So Familiar (Hatter)

Alice had been informed that the City was not itself. She had seen with her own eyes the way the buildings and streets rearranged themselves. For a week she'd had trouble finding Jack's her apartment. And now, suddenly, it was where it was supposed to be each time she went back to it. She hadn't really had time to get used to the fridge being full of food all the time or money being in her bank account for absolutely no reason.

This was normal for her.


The fact that this was neither New York nor Wonderland made it abnormal, but she prided herself on the way she was adjusting.

So far.

She missed certain people, though. And sometimes when she was walking down a crowded street, she was sure she was seeing one of them. Charlie with his shiny helmet, her mother's gently curling blond hair. But when they passed her or she managed to catch up to them, it wasn't them at all.

But that hat, directly ahead of her on the street. She was absolutely certain she'd seen it before. Her heart raced and her palms began to perspire annoyingly. She told herself not to get too excited. It probably wasn't him. But she had to check, just to be sure.

She closed the distance behind him, then when she was a foot or two away... "Hatter?"