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February 21st, 2012

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_coexist

Editorials in the City Voice

Have you noticed the world has changed? As if overnight things are suddenly different? The way the streets stay as they are, the way the food just isn't in the cupboards as before, the way your clothes are still in a pile on the floor dirty?

If you haven't, what rock have you been under the past few days! If you have, then you are in the thick of it with the rest of us. It seems lately that the City isn't acting as it should. It isn't looking after us anymore. Did we upset it? Where has it gone? Did it just get tired of us? How will we look after ourselves?

Something has gone horribly wrong, and we must find out what it is. The City Police need to get to the bottom of this. Or, if that Mayor will let them, that group of so called vigilantes need to find out why things are just so very wrong. Either way, someone needs to fix this, and fix it now.

Missing Dinner on Perry St


It's the end of days!

The world is coming to an end. First there was a snow storm. Then there was the horrendous rain storm. Now, nothing moves, and we have to go to the market for our food. The world as we know it is coming to an end.

We must right whatever wrong we've committed, or probably those [...] other people have committed. We have to ask for forgiveness.

The world will be over soon!

No more chances at Basset and Lewis Aves


The extreme reaction to the change in the City is just that, extreme. We have been through many difficulties over the past generations, and we will endure many more. We know that we have survived such things as large lizards and primates. We have experienced devastating weather conditions and lived. We have seen the rise and fall of queens and mayors. We will see our way through this latest issue. This is our chance to show that we do not need an easy life, and we can better ourselves through this adversity. This like all the other difficulties in the past will make us stronger, and we should embrace it.

This latest development will make us better people. We can take the opportunity as we have before to share and grow. We can become a better and brighter community. So, look at this as yet another chance to live to the best of our abilities.

Survivor on Washington Dr.

OOC: Feel free to have your characters post their own editorials here.

[info]i_wearahat in [info]we_coexist

We're Not in Wonderland Anymore (Zatanna)

There was only one thing Hatter was completely sure of. He wasn't in Wonderland.

He knew that place better than most anyone, perhaps even better than its royalty. The royals couldn't possibly know the underground the way he did, the back alleys and the traps and the outer forests. As a kid on the run, he'd learned the slums of the cities in and out, and as he grew into the smooth talking conman, he'd learned the city proper. And finally, as a member of the Resistance, he'd learned the secret hideouts, the places for people to go who wanted out from under the Queen's eye. This? Was definitely not Wonderland.

But it certainly wasn't what he'd been expecting when he'd gone through the Looking Glass, either. If this was Alice's New York, he wasn't sure he liked it. He'd read about it in the books in the Great Library, and he didn't recognize anything. Either it had changed drastically since the book had been published (as getting Oyster books to their world wasn't really on the agenda of the Queen), or he'd somehow ended up somewhere else. Occasionally he'd ask questions of passing people, but he was admittedly loathe to trust most people and had reverted to his old ways of hiding in alleys and stealing scraps of food where they could be found.

He was, possibly, one of the only people in the City who had no idea that it wasn't how it was supposed to be. It looked normal to him, and so he ran with it. After all, he'd dealt with some ridiculous and strange things in a city that shouldn't even have existed to the Oysters. Why would this place be any different?

Still. He'd come such a long way from the boy he'd been, always hiding, always on the run, never using a 'real' name. He had to suck it up and deal with this. If he was in the wrong place, he'd have to work on finding a way back. And he wouldn't know if he didn't get out there. When he found himself in front of the library, he felt a little better. Books were easy to get answers from, right? They'd never let him down before. He'd just head in there. Easier than putting his trust in a person, Oyster or otherwise.

[info]i_chasehearts in [info]we_coexist

Busy (Narrative)

Jack had just been getting a handle on his job as mayor once he'd hired Ted to do the budget. Things were starting to fall into place and he'd finally found a rhythm with things.

Until everything changed. Again.

Only this time, it wasn't the streets or the buildings or even the balance on the bank account provided to take care of the City's needs.

No, this time... everything came to a screeching halt. Maybe not everything, but it certainly seemed like that.

The good news was that the streets and buildings were all in one place and maps made sense again. Once everyone adjusted to the change, there were far fewer people getting lost.

And he hadn't heard about anyone else getting shanghaied and arriving in the City. So he supposed that it was a good thing that no one else was getting taken from their homes against their will.

That was where the good things stopped.

Things that everyone had taken for granted-that even he had started to take for granted because he couldn't afford to spend time thinking about things that got done automatically when he had so many other things to attend to-suddenly all of those things just stopped getting done.

It was a mess. An absolute, complete, mess. The streets were no longer being cleaned up. Garbage was no longer being picked up. There were people complaining about the fact that their cupboards were no longer being restocked and their bank accounts were no longer magically refilling themselves. Thankfully, there still was a food supply being delivered to the grocery stores, but Jack didn't know where it was coming from or what he might do if it suddenly stopped.

In all the chaos, he'd barely been home, let alone had time to think about his strange and awkward new living situation, nor had he had time to help Alice get situated in the City.

No, currently Jack was stealing naps here and there at his desk in his office. He was exhausted, but he was doing his best to work through the complete and total upheaval and make sure things started running smoothly in the City again.

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_coexist

A little helping hand (Jesse)

The older Winchester had yet to tell anyone he was in the hospital. He didn't want to worry anyone. He also didn't want people messing with his phone. It was bad enough that they'd taken his gun, knives, multiple ids, and the phone to pack away where he couldn't get them. It wasn't that he could use them, which wasn't the point. They were packed away from him.

He rested on the hospital bed. He had a few other problems, not just the ruined hands, that had come from being thrown into a wall. He shifted on the bed, groaning to himself. He couldn't even press the button very well to ease the pain with a little chemical help. It was slight misery.

The hunter stared up at the ceiling. He was useless here, and he was going to be lucky to get for mobility back in his fingers the way they'd been crushed. He couldn't even protect himself much less help anyone else. These were the moments Dean hated himself the most; he hated that he pitied himself and that he could do nothing. He was just some poor slob who couldn't lift a finger, in this case literally, to even wipe the drool off his own jaw.

Well, there was one thing he could do in the past, but he didn't want to go that route here. He didn't even know if it was possible. He hadn't seen his own personal angel in days, weeks. The only other type he knew of who could hear prayers, maybe...

"So, look, this is probably as uncomfortable for me as it is you, but if you could see your way into giving a hand here." He shook his head at his own slip of the tongue. "I need help. Not asking you to prove yourself, just asking you to help." He looked at his hands, what he could see of them under the bandages anyway.

"I can't believe I may actually be praying to a guy who smokes and knows Batman." He just shook his head, giving a soft laugh at just how bad it had gotten. Dean knew he was going to have to get some flowers or something for Lois Lane; he laughed again thinking of how she'd probably just throw them out.