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February 7th, 2012

[info]cowboy_god in [info]we_coexist

Long Days (Zoe)

Now that he and Zoe were officially an item (something that he was having a sort of hard time getting used to), Jesse wasn't exactly shy about showing up at her place, even when she wasn't there. Sometimes he had food waiting for her, and sometimes it was just him waiting for her, and food came around later.

Tonight he'd had food ready for her, but an hour after her usual return time, he'd started eating it. Then he started reading some really trashing romance novel that he found hidden not-so-neatly under her couch. At first he was only reading it so he could make fun of her for it later, then it got to the point that he couldn't put it down. Before he knew it, it was almost through the whole thing, and all of the dinner was gone.

On top of that, he discovered he'd also lit up a cigarette. It hadn't been too long ago, the thing was still half there. But he'd promised Zoe he wouldn't smoke in her place. In a panic, and not giving any consideration to the fact that with his powers he could just zap the smell away, Jesse was opening windows and spraying whatever he could find that smelled nice around her space when he heard the door open.

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_coexist

All he wanted was a piece of pie (Eric)

Dean was feeling pretty damn good. Life wasn't becoming any less strange in the City, but he was getting the good ole slap and tickle slowly going on regular from a very nice Federal agent, which wasn't something he'd ever expect to happen. So, he was feeling comfortable after a very good night with one Jennifer Government; she'd made it possible to forget all the things he'd been dealing with in the City lately. Forget for a little while anyway.

He stepped out onto the street, knowing that there weren't many problems that would bother people during the day. Ghosts, demons, and then some may be out in the daylight, but he didnt' know of any at the time. Other than Crowley. He didn't even know of any angels around; they might have been, but he hadn't seen them in some time. Even Jimmy was missing. As he started thinking about how good his life was getting, he started realizing how very good it wasn't.

It was too early for a drink of alcohol; he'd been trying to get a handle on that. It wasn't working as well as some might like, but it was better than what it used to be, maybe. Coffee and pie was the second best option for the time. So, he started out across the street for the small shop. Pie and coffee would be just the thing. Then he'd deal with Sam, Jo, Crowley, Castiel, Gabriel, Jennifer, Dinah, Murphy...the list was damn long if he actually let himself think about it.