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January 22nd, 2012

[info]i_didntdoit in [info]we_coexist

Blood Ties (Baba)

Life was actually going smoothly, for once. Logan realized that he'd better not get used to that. After all, nothing went smoothly for very long. Especially not his life.

But for the moment, he had his job and he had Veronica. Things were going fairly well at Caritas. Even with the arrival of a new bar in the City (yes, Logan actually kept an eye on these things int terms of competition potential now) business at the karaoke bar was still going well.

He was actually taking time for the moment to study. Which meant holing up at a nearby Starbucks with coffee, his laptop and its wi-fi connection and trying to keep himself from getting distracted by while he worked on a paper for one of Business classes.

[info]i_changelanes in [info]we_coexist

Of Dreams (Arthur)

Lois turned the business card over in her hands, studying it yet again. As if somehow she would find more answers in the simple design.

She was back on the hunt for interview subjects. It had been between this person who claimed he could provide 'custom dreams' and the guy who was listed in the phonebook as a professional wizard.

Even though Lois had just been saved from King Kong by costumed superheroes, the idea of someone who could 'create' dreams seemed a bit far-fetched to her. There were rumors as to what services were actually ordered, but Lois was going to take everything with a grain of salt until she got proof otherwise.

All the same, it was interesting enough to investigate.

She picked up the phone and dialed the number on the back of the card.