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January 20th, 2012

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

When the coffee turns...(Jensen)

(Continuation of this happy meeting)

The look didn't fade as Fred heard what was only a partial apology if it was one at all. She looked at him a little longer before walking on. She'd lost her appetite, which was saying something. The two men who she thought were pretty special and good had turned into real asshats as she'd heard Dean call some jerk he'd had to deal with once. They had forgotten completely what it meant to be good guys. She knew that good guys didn't always have to be nice, soft, fluffy puppies, but they had turned into real jerks. And, over something completely out of either of their hands.

"It wasn't right. What you did. It wasn't right. Not that what he did was right either. What y'all said, not so much what he did. It's not like he had a choice not to put the statement out. It hurt, but you don't say things like that. You don't say things like that to people who could help you." She wasn't going to cry; she refused to cry. She wouldn't do it.

She was starting to wish she had worn a jacket because she wanted to wrap something around herself, nice and tight. She opted for her arms for a little bit as she walked. She stopped once more; a few tears were already going down her cheeks.

"You two should be friends or pleasant acquaintances because he could make things very difficult. I know you could make his life uncomfortable, too. And what you said. That last part. That was really mean. I was there. I was standing right there when you said it. You don't say things like that when people are standing there. I was okay with it, you know that? Or maybe I wasn't okay with it because they didn't think I was his girlfriend or pretty enough to get a picture with him, but that's not really the point. The point is I was okay with the mix up because he wasn't really with her. And then you go and say that. Like I wouldn't care if you would say something like that. I do." Fred just looked at him, waiting for something more than an apology possibly. She didn't how he could even start to make a difference in what was said and what she felt, but she knew that she was hurt.