May 2017



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May 1st, 2011

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Lunching (Open)

It was a beautiful day out. Dinah had returned to work over the past week, but today she'd taken a half day. It was time to go car shopping. But first, she had resolved to take time to enjoy her lunch.

She'd returned to the Clock Tower to find the Italian restaurant that she'd loved back in Gotham. It was right across the street, as though it had always been there. Ordering the shrimp capers had been a no-brainer, though Dinah was reminded with a twinge of all the times she and Barbara had shared dishes from that restaurant.

There were times when she could settle in and the City was beginning to feel like home. Times when having Jake and Harry and Fred and even Dean, along with her flower shop and all the people that worked there made it almost too easy to forget to miss the ones she loved the most from back home. Then there were times when she would walk into the Clock tower apartment and expect to see Barbara. Times when she'd even go upstairs to the computer command center in search of her best friend. There were times when people on the street would remind her of Zinda or Helena. And times when nothing at all reminded her of her friends back home and the sheer absence hurt deeply.

As Dinah made her way to the park-perhaps thankfully she was on an end far from the gardens, which she had yet to see in their changed state-she tried to push aside the painful emptiness that came along with the reminder of Barbara and Gotham. Instead, she decided to take the chance to eat one of her favorite meals as a sign that today was going to be a good day.

Her stitches had finally started to dissolve and the knife wound was healing up nicely, though it was clear it would leave a mark. But for the first time in awhile, she was pretty sure it would be safe to resume her old activities without risking reopening the wound. It would scar, but that didn't bother her. Scars were just a reminder of the near-misses-a reminder of the fact that she still had more to learn. At any rate, she was going stir-crazy spending all of her evenings inside without being able to help.

Tonight, she promised herself, she would take the bike out for awhile. See if there was anywhere she could help.

And for now, she found a bench facing the water fountain. She began to unwrap her to go box and basked in the sun, reminding herself that today was going to be a good day.