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April 8th, 2011

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_coexist

Ball Part 2

Please continue your ball threads here

With everything in full swing, the waiters and waitresses were moving about people like ants. Able to sneak between groupings without bothering anybody, constantly in motion, trays balanced perfectly on one hand. As if they were in a choreographed number.

The sounds of chatter could be heard in the room, above the clinking of crystal glasses and silverware, adding a strangely calming ambiance to the whole scene. The music played on, as if the band would never tire.

Here and there, party favors were being activated, used, sometimes confusing their recipients, other times bringing great joy.

[info]locksmith in [info]we_coexist

let's go, hero!

Who: Atsuko Chiba + Nigihayami Kohaku Nishi
What: A meeting and a great adventure to boot!
When: Backdated to after Valentine's Day-ish.
Where: Bookstore then library.
Rating/status: ~PG/finished.

Are you actually alive? )

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Hero for hire (Open to any and all in need)

Dinah looked at the instructions that came with the mysterious parting gift from the masquerade. She was just about finished folding the intricate paper flower and exhaustion was setting in when her phone beeped. She glanced at the text alert from the Clock tower computers and sighed. She looked at her bed longingly and then changed into her suit.

Before leaving, she picked up the origami once more and turned it over in her hand. Gold lettering that she could have sworn wasn’t there while she was folding the paper caught her eye.

Make a wish

“A wish, huh?” she muttered skeptically. “Well, it sure would be nice to have the ability to be everywhere that I’m needed at the same time.”

Lately she’d been feeling pulled in all directions more than ever, and she was definitely losing the battle. It seemed like she was never where she should be, never able to do enough

She rolled her eyes and tossed it aside. Wishes. That was about the same thing as fortunes in fortune cookies and supposed happy endings. A fairytale.

Even as the origami left her hand, something strange happened. Suddenly, Dinah’s feet touched the ground in front of a man who was running away from something, a large sack in his hands. Behind him, alarms blared and Dinah noticed a jewelry shop with a window that had been shattered.

Before the man ran straight into her, she moved quickly and caught him, using his forward momentum to knock him to the ground.

Across town, Dinah looked out from a rooftop over the warehouse that housed the City’s most notorious drug trade. She blinked in surprise, trying to understand how she was somehow in two places at once.

Even as Dinah tried to process that, she was suddenly in an alley way, face to face with a mugging in progress.

It continued on throughout the night. She was suddenly able to be everywhere at once. Able to help so many. She didn’t have to think about her destination, didn’t have to focus on someone in need. When she was needed, she just… appeared. It was hard to get used to paying attention to so many situations at once, but her mind kept up with the multi-tasking well, save for the few lulls of confusion where one thing or another commanded her full attention.

Dinah grinned as she sat on a rooftop and watched the sun’s first pinkish rays appeared over the city’s skyline, even as she ended up in the kitchen with plenty of time to make Jake a big breakfast and get things ready to drive him to school, and as she ended up at the Sherwood Florist well before opening with enough time, for once, to give the store the reorganization it badly needed. Somehow, she had gotten her wish.

OOC/explanation: Dinah's about to get way more than she bargained for and end up anywhere someone needs something that she could help with. This could be anything from needing a rescue, a friendly word of advice, or needing help getting your kitten out of the tree. There's lots of room for brief drive-by posts if you just want to put your character in for a short scene, or for a longer scene. And this thread does not have to be linear in comments. Each interaction may end up taking place simultaneously.