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March 27th, 2011

[info]i_digmummies in [info]we_coexist

For Posterity (Journal entry-complete)

I have now spent several weeks in this strange location, known to all simply as the City. As suddenly as I arrived here, I may just as suddenly return home, and in preparation that all I have experienced be left behind when the event occurs- for I have no doubt I shall someday be reunited with my beloved husband and son- I have taken to carrying my journal with me at all times.

I have met many people, one so far, in particular, that is not even of this planet. (A concise record of that encounter can be found in the previous entry.) Such a strange place, and I feel I have yet to discover many of its wonders. It is a far more enlightened time, both scientifically and culturally, than England of the late 19th Century. Such astonishing gadgets, I hesitate to think how Emerson would behave with so much technology at his disposal! And I need not assure the Gentle Reader that I quickly adopted the far more casual attire so widely accepted here. I have never been one to be seduced by the experience of shopping for anything more than is necessary, yet such marvels as are available here could only be ignored by one pursuing sainthood, of which I have no inclination. Oddly, I have found women now wear corsets only as a fashion statement, and as outer rather than under wear! (I for one am quite relieved to no longer be constrained in such a manner!)

continued... )