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February 19th, 2011

[info]i_cast in [info]we_coexist

All in good clean fun...(Oh, Hannibal, your presence is requested)

None of her calls had been returned, but then she hadn't left any way to do so. She hadn't intended for anyone to find her, not exactly. She wanted to learn more before pursuing. Only one was truly interesting; even if the City wanted her to focus on Lestat, the sorceress had found another vampire, if he was such, to "hunt." Of course, none of this kept her from exacting her small revenges against the City. It had been sorely mistaken in allowing her to be held and treated that way. Very sorely mistaken.

Baba settled in the top of a tree, looking for all the world like some quaint little wood nymph, not the crone who had started what she would find very interesting. Her head bedecked in a laurel of spring flowers, her dress matching colors. Her feet bare. Yes, she was a wood creature who was enjoying watching the silly humans, nothing more. Probably.

On the rise of a nearby hill there was a couple. They were having a picnic. Strawberries, champagne, soft music coming from one of those tiny music machines. They were so very much in love. They'd been graced by a silly creature earlier that had whispered soft nothings in their ears, and right now they were busy enjoying their time together. For as long as it would last.

Not far from the couple a group of young men were playing touch football, or that was what they had started playing. Ever since they'd noticed the nymphette and possibly the sunbathing beauties sharing the couple's hill, they'd become physical, tackling entering into play now and then.