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March 3rd, 2010

[info]i_haveahoard in [info]we_coexist

Leprechauns Everywhere! [open]

Sweeney still could not find his apartment. Damn City with it's continuous changing ways. So drunk, and still relatively pissed off from his altercation with the Djinn, Sweeney fell over and slept where he landed. It was when he woke up that confusion set in.

First of all, he was uncomfortable, and not just from laying on the ground. )

[info]i_amloupgarou in [info]we_coexist

Puppy Toys! (open)

Late at night, under the light of the full moon, he was out on the prowl. A new place meant the possibility of new prey. He liked new prey. It kept his hunting skills sharp. Tonight wasn’t about feeding; he just wanted to get to know his new home.

He liked the park. It had a nice open area for running and trees for him to use for cover while stalking his prey. His human half actually liked it when he went running. He could actually feel Larry’s joy as he ran full speed across the park. Places like this made it good to be a wolf.

Or at least a wolf man. )

[info]i_blink in [info]we_coexist

Spring Cleaning (open)

There were a few things that Jeannie took a great deal of pride in. At the top of her list was that when she had a master that treated her well, she returned the favor a thousand fold. She did her very best to make their lives comfortable, fulfilling, and most importantly, fun. But each master had their own idea of what that meant, and she needed to mold them slowly until they had a good time in spite of themselves. )

[info]i_lovemrj in [info]we_coexist

Squishy-squishy-squishy (tag: Ace/open to anybody feeling violent)

Coming back to the warehouse after blowing up her castle wasn’t as upsetting as some might think. Yeah, Harl had liked having all the fancy things and people to order around, but it got a little boring after a while. They expected a queen to do things, and she really preferred to do her own thing her own way. Freedom was more priceless than any gem.

Of course, that didn’t mean she hadn’t swiped some crown jewels as she went. )