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March 12th, 2009

[info]i_ohscrewit in [info]we_coexist

What the f*&^ (Harley)

She was standing, holding a gun, pointing it at something. Somebody was wrapped warmly around her body, showing her how to stand, how to squeeze the trigger, not pull it. Moments ago, she'd felt warm and cuddly toward that person. She'd wanted to spend the rest of her life with Harley.

But suddenly, that was all gone.

Karen went a little limp, gun in one hand and turned to Harley.

"I'm sorry honey, I must have been drunk on accident or something. I'm just not as into you as I thought I was."

No big deal, right?

[info]cowboy_god in [info]we_coexist

In the aftermath (Elle)

How many days had passed?

Jesse and Elle had ended up back at his apartment, in bed. He'd known that they would. They way that the Cupid thing seemed to infect people led to instant love. Not just lust. Lust was different. Lust, people could control better. Logic could still seep through. But love, you wanted to give yourself over completely.

Mere hours after they'd arrived, spent some time together, the feeling had worn off. There was no longer that love there. But it didn't mean that Jesse had any intention of kicking Elle out. She was pretty, she was sassy. She was a strong woman. And as long as she was into it, it was absolutely no issue for Jesse to continue either.

She was a female, he was a male.

Made all the sense in the world to him.

Of course, he was waiting for her to realize that they weren't in love with each other anymore. He stood in the kitchen, wearing only pants, making coffee. Sooner or later, since she was alone and not being ravaged again and again to keep her mind off of it, her mind was going to get to wandering, and she was going to figure it out.

What would she say then? How would she take it? Blame him? Be embarrassed? Hate herself, hate him, hate them both? Claim she'd wanted no part of it? Of course all the bad things went through his head. He was a preacher. It had been taught into him to think that the world was a dismal place filled with vile things.

Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad.