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December 7th, 2008

[info]i_execute in [info]we_coexist

Stuck Inside [Narrative/Open]

Anita has literally spent a month trapped inside her apartment. This was not her idea of fun. Not at all.

She had woken up that morning, she later found out it was the first day of the zombie plague, planning on spending her day filing through paperwork at the police station. Maybe something exciting would happen for once. She hadn't had a chance to scare anyone for days. She felt out of practice.

She absentmindedly noticed it was darker than usual in her room, but didn't realize yet it was because all her windows had disappeared. As in, gone. Closed up.

She wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Now the missing windows were starting to break through that early morning, no-coffee-yet fog.

Anita walked with her mug of coffee out to the living room with a sinking feeling. No door outside. Shit. What was she going to do?

Obviously the City wanted her kept inside for some reason. She decided to put on the news to try and see what was going on. Of course, since half the City was busy getting zombified and the other half was running away like crazy, the news from the City suffered a bit.

Suffice it to say that a lot of time was spent watching HBO, reality tv shows (which somehow mad' the City;s cut for acceptable viewing) and opening the fridge to see if more food would magically appear every time it was opened. It usually worked. She now knew way too much about designing clothes, being a model, what an amuse bouche is and how far Survivors were really willing to go to backstab each other.

Anita was about ready to try punching a hole through the wall when the news started broadcasting again. She watched the show with growing interest, and then, understanding.

These zombies came about through a disease, not through death and necromancy reanimating the bodies. This was a whole new world. Anita figured there were three options if she had been out and tried to use her powers to lay the zombies back in their graves, as she had been taught.

1. It wouldn't work and she would be attacked.

2. It would work and she would have laid to rest those who were not truly dead, leading to big effing problems.

3. It would backfire and she would wind up with an undead army.

No matter which option would have happened, the City did not want it. So Anita was effectively put in a cage for the entire duration of ZombieFest.

Shrugging on her black suede winter coat, Anita cursed and muttered under her breath while opening the much-missed doorknob.

"Just my fucking luck. Something preturnatura finally happens in this damn City and I get purposely kept out of it. I hate this life."