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July 20th, 2008

[info]i_blankityblank in [info]we_coexist

MM how to catch a murderer

Good Morning City.

Not to give everything away, because what would be the fun in that, please take note of the following regarding the fiend lurking about lately:

- is not new to murder
- can and will kill in different ways
- smart and methodical
- relentless

Now, everyone may ask ONE question. It must be one that has a yes or no answer. Can't give away TOO many things, now can we?

And go.

[info]i_fixthings in [info]we_coexist

Out of the Black (Open)

"Gorram pressure coils are going again. I told Cap'n I needed new ones." But he didn't listen, because he knew she'd try to fix it anyway, for as long as she could hold them until Serenity fell straight outta the sky.

"Kaylee give me some feedback on that engine. She gonna keep flying?"
Kaylee pressed the panel on the wall for the intercom. "Dunno cap'n, looks bad. She's seen better days."
"Make them the best days of her life right now Kay, we have to be in the black right now. Too many on our back."

Kaylee frowned and returned to the engine. Everyone else was stationed for some kind of battle. Zoe, Mal, Simon, and River were watching monitors and out windows. Inara was back on that planet meeting some nice guy who had money so she had money.

And here she was. All alone tending the dying engine. Kaylee was about ready to cry because of the sounds the engine was making. "Come on baby, not today, not today. Let ol' Kaylee fix what ails you." The sputtering sound stopped as Kaylee turned her wrench a few more times. Whew. Narrowly avoided.. Oh no. Her eyes went wide. A panel suddenly let loose and blasted off the engine and through the wall. Kaylee was all a panic. The lights were going on and off now. People were racing down towards her but Kaylee was already sucked over the engine and against the wall. One hand gripping onto her hammock, hoping she could keep herself inside until..

"KAYLEE!" Mal was there, his hand was over hers, but she was losing her grip anyway.
"CAP'N I'M SORRY!" They were both losing their grip. It was one hard tug and then she was gone, out the hole and into the black. Serenity looked like she was just floating along, happy as could be, cept for her wrenches, nails, screws and all a manner of odds and ends flying out into the black.

Can't breath. Kaylee shut her eyes and held her breath. The cold was enough to kill her. But as soon as it got icy, it slipped away and got warm all over again. Like the sun on a hot day. Warming her skin. Kaylee opened an eye. Blinded. "Oh by the bendable wrenches." She covered her hands over her eyes, she ached. Her cover-alls torn up from loose bits of ship and sharp walls she passed through. She ached. She had to have been. She felt her arms, Definitely bleeding a bit. No time to panic. Where was she? She opened her eyes a little. She could see sky. Normal sky. No black. She turned her head now. Street. Sidewalk. normal car..

Normal car.

With wheels.

No hover.

"What in the name of the 'verse." Kaylee winced as she pulled herself from the ground. Where was she. Where the hell was she? "CAP'N!!!!!" SHe yelled, hoping Mal would answer. "ZOE!" Anyone anyone! Where was she?! Panic. Panic. Panic!

[info]i_avoidlife in [info]we_coexist

Post-its [Open to Dead People]

OOC: Did you die in the MM plot? Feel free to join in.

This was out of her league. Not only had her work load doubled during the reign of the mass murderer but none of the souls were moving on. She was pretty sure they were just being stubborn, but dirty looks weren't working. Ignoring them wasn't enough either; dead people were near impossible to ditch. Something about being able to walk through walls.

Eventually the reaper hunkered down in her apartment, sitting on a love-seat she'd salvaged dumpster diving, and hoped someone would just catch the serial killer already. She was half tempted to ask the recently deceased so she could pass on the information to Dexter, but if she did that she realized it would only encourage them to stay that much longer.

After the first week George finally posted a sign on her wall that read: YOU ARE DEAD. GET OVER IT.