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July 15th, 2008

[info]i_look in [info]we_coexist

MM: Curiosity Shop [Inara]

continued from here

Previously... )

"Lorne? I think something is wrong."

There was no response.

"Lorne?" she called.

She needed a look. Xanadu closed her eyes, removing her sun glasses she put them away in her bag next to her wallet. They hit something that jingled. Xanadu kept her eyelids closed, but sacrificing a bit of concentration, pulled out a set of keys that were not there previously. When her eyes opened they were complete and intact. Her vision was blurred only for moments before Xanadu found herself staring at the skyline of The City for the first time.

But it wasn't the first time, was it?

Xanadu determined that The City must have been from a dream. Her eyes looked red and wet like she'd been crying. Xanadu wiped her newly regrown eyes with the back of her hand. They stung but she knew the feeling would eventually pass. She looked at the keys in her hand. Behind her there was a shop called The Magic Box. Taking a chance she tried the keys. They worked.

Inside the shop it looked as it had before, but with a more Asian inspired decor. When she looked at the loft, it was covered in silks and pillows. There was a small table with a crystal ball, and along the wall of loft existed all her jars of captured spirits which had followed her from her previous life. All her things were there.

Xanadu looked lost in her own shop. She found two sets of cards on the bar table next to the cash register. One set were for the services of Madame Xanadu, the other were for someone by the name of Inara.

Xanadu had never heard that name before.

[info]i_blankityblank in [info]we_coexist

MM1 [Jack Napier]

The City gives what you need. The City takes away.

Or rather, *I* take away because the City tells me so. The night is dark and I track the first one, the first of many, and answer to the question.

He likes to cause trouble, this Jack, Jack with the makeup and evil laugh and evil plots.

The knife is solid and firm in my hand as I walk up quick behind him. Does he sense me, it matters not. He can't run far enough for me not to chase. Blood with flow in the City, blood with run through the streets.

The street is dark save the street lights and the knife came out. The glint of the shining blade extended from my hand as I invaded his personal space though I stayed to the shadows. "Jack...." the breathy whisper came behind him, the edge of the knife brushing his back. "Such a jokester, the funny guy. Green and white and red all over."