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February 20th, 2008

[info]i_avoidlife in [info]we_coexist

Out on the town [Open]

Being a ghost sucked. It helped that Dexter knew she was there or the situation would have been terribly lonely. The lack of tactile feedback was difficult and her skills manipulating physical objects around her were minute.

She needed to get out and do something or risk the boredom driving her mad. This place had Superman! Maybe she would find someone who could see or at the very least someone she could fuck with. At the very least it was something to do.

Maybe she could try jumping into someone and possessing them. It worked in the movies. Then again she remembered the time someone sat on her, just before she became a reaper, and that had just been unpleasant.

George wondered where The City's streets would take her.

[info]i_diedtwice in [info]we_coexist

Information [Jesse]

The slayer was listless. The City had a habit of hiding people from her. The constant running was exhausting. What she needed was to recharge. While not exactly lonely there was something missing.

Seeing The Bronze was a sign.

She went in for a drink. There was a band on the stage that night. Not in the mood to dance, she didn't play much attention to who it might have been. The City lacked in any kind of music scene. Unfortunately it didn't see fit to kidnap some decent bands along with the other people it'd taken.

She ordered a beer. Buffy didn't drink much after being turned into a Neanderthal once. Sitting at the bar, she was willing to take that risk now.