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War Is Coming Communications.



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July 5th, 2015

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I don't understand the point of yesterday. The celebrating, the - fireworks? - the party and everything. This is how you grieve in this world? How you put people to rest?

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Is Sanctuary really gone?

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Lexi's gone.

July 1st, 2015

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Is there anyone who needs any injuries looked at now that we're all hopefully a bit more settled?


Are you all right, love?

June 30th, 2015

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As painful as it is, we need a better list of who is and isn't with us.

Bonnie Bennet is no longer with us. I went over to check to see who might need housing and found her.

I don't mean to be harsh, but we need a better understanding.

Bonnie was-

We need to figure it out for all of us.

Lists )

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I know there are some areas that still need help clearing out the debris. Just point me where I'm needed most. I'll help anyway that I can. I can do this It's not the same

Filter: Alicia & Angelina
What the hell is this place?

June 29th, 2015

No Known Threats

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Is everyone okay?

I saw that the apartment blocks were all destroyed. I can start booking us all into hotels and things. But, I need to know how many people need rooms. So, please post here if you need one.

Also, if anyone wants to help me pay for it all, and get the rooms booked. Since it's a lot of rooms to do at once, and it's a lot to do, even for me.

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[OOC: Set after the earthquake and whatever drama is unfolding at the med center with Jemma]

Bloody hell, the med centre...

Right then. If you are injured and you are one of our "special" residents, I'm working with the local hospital at the University's medical center pitching in with triage care. Find me and I'll take care of you personally. Ask for Dr. Molly Hooper, all right? I'm a professor on campus so I'm fairly well known.

Any minor injuries, come to us. I'm talking broken bones that aren't protruding, lacerations, concussions...injuries of that sort. Major injuries are all being directed to the hospital.

Any volunteers we can get with medical or first aid knowledge would be lovely right about now.

June 21st, 2015

No Known Threats

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It's nice to be back to normal. Maybe if we're lucky the Seal will leave us alone this week? Though, knowing our luck, if I were to take bets I'd lose soundly.

June 20th, 2015

no known threats

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Alright - something is clearly happening magical-wise, and it's related to the Seal. It also seems to be escalating. We need to put our heads together and figure out what's going on.

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Did anyone else feel, um, weird this week? I did some really stupid

Hey. How are your ribs?

How did finals go?

June 17th, 2015

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What the hell is this place?

And, yeah yeah. I've been told the story. I'm 15 years in the future, yada yada yada. But, still, what the hell?

Also, what's with these weird muggle devices? How do they even work?

June 15th, 2015

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Right. Night out. Right now.

Who's coming?

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I have a very very important announcement.

Cut not filtered )

June 14th, 2015

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Before Ollie was sent home, we were planning a charity event at Verdant. A big part of that was a kind of date auction, but I seem to have lost most of my volunteers, so... if you're willing to have a few hours of your company auctioned off for a good cause, please let me know.

I miss him

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Someday this infernal place will be done with me

netpost: skye

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Well, now that everyone can see everyone else again...

Hi. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Skye and one of the things I do around here is organize the graveyard patrols so that we can try to make sure we can any newbies right away and get them up to speed. We've lost a lot of people lately again, so we're a little light on coverage. That means I could use some more people, both to help man the building where we keep an eye on the cameras and to actually patrol the graveyard and serve as our welcoming committee.

Here are the current teams. If you're interested in helping out, let me know. If you want on a certain team, let me know that, too.

cutting for length )

Each team is on one day a week and we alternate which teams take the weekends. Ideally, it would be great to have enough people to just do seven teams of at least four people each, but for now this is what we've got.

You can see the schedule here. Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know.

June 8th, 2015

No Marvels ( :( )

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They're all gone. Everyone, except Nikolai. I hate this Seal.

June 7th, 2015

No evil

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My father's birthday was two days ago. Makes me realize how much I miss him. If he were here.. well, nevermind. We'll have plenty of time for celebrations when I go back. Or whenever he's brought here again. Probably more of my people were sent home. So those of us from Hogwarts still around, tell me you're still here?

Still seeing ghosts, anyone? I've obtained some extra salt. And have iron too. So if people still need some, let me know, I'll just apparate over to you and help you out. Too bad these spirits aren't like the ones back in school

No known threats

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Been back a couple days, the hunt was a success. Can't say the ghosts were a good experience. A lot, some of which I'd never met before. And some I would not have intended to die, but the followers did that, or my father had Either died for me, or because of me, but some? They were first trying to kill me. I had to. Most of them took place when I was a child, confused and not truly understanding the special ability stuff. It would seem that anyone with beyond human talents is viewed as a freak or evil, kinda like the Salem trials. Soldiers fight to the death for survival all the time, mine was also self preservation, or they were threats and planned to kill me or help those who would

One was actually my stepmom, and she had killed my uncle. And probably a lot of other people too. And to be fair she was also the Whore of Babylon, so as such she was ordained to die anyway at some point Also saw Bugenhagen, the old man who started the whole thing against me which the others followed on. Always wanted to meet him to tell him what I really think, and now I have. And Mark was Wanted to see him but not like I wanted him to live but I couldn't keep control of the power, it was too m

Good thing I have lots of iron and salt. This really.. it hasn't been good. After my 50 years in Hell, and now having my past come back to kill me yet again, things I hadn't thought about in a long time came right back to the surface again. Reminding me of what I had used to have and lost. Oh, and it was my birthday today. Yay, huzzah. Thank you very goddamn much for not giving me peace these few days so I can enjoy it I'd like to do something to celebrate soon. But not just yet, I wish to hold off on it first, hold onto my iron in case the spirits come back yet again for the tenth or eleventh time. Kinda lost count. Haven't even slept much, really.
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