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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 15th, 2013

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[Filtered to Jane, Lizzie, Robin, Much, Kevin, Gigi and Damon...fine and Crowley, too]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare everyone. I just had to I didn't actually think I could Never really expected to be back

[Filtered to Alex]

I don't really know what to say to him.

May 13th, 2013

no evil and no evil vampires

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Can anyone locate Lydia? Magic maybe. She's missing.

[Filtered to Lizzie Bennet]
Can you come stay with Jane? She is at my flat.

edit: no evil

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Lydia's gone. I think she's going after one of the vampires. Mitchell probably.

Can someone please

Oh god please someone find her. Someone stop her

I'll do anything--anything if someone can save her.

May 10th, 2013

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William Darcy I'm on my way, just stay put
Gigi Darcy Just hurry

[Filtered against Evil and apparently UK based vampires.]

That was... something. Hi. Again. Um. Right. Gigi Darcy, back in Lawrence. The one who was here before and not... her.

You shouldn't have had to deal with
I'm so sorry you learned that
God, I don't know what to

I'm sorry

[OOC! The first bit, aka Domino, was visible for about ten-fifteen minutes before Gigi realized that she's back in Lawrence.]

May 9th, 2013

nope, no evil and no lord harry cause we are so over him

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The sad part is, still not the closest I've ever come to dying

Could really use a drink right now. And you can judge me if you damn well want to, can't even make myself care Seal, anytime you want to stop being a douchecanoe, that'd be great.


I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have put you in the middle of
You weren't prepared and it's my fault and
I love you. So so so much


Please tell me you're still you. I don't think I can handle


Are you okay? You're so quiet, it isn't like you, and


Maybe at least this one I can

I'm not only telling you this as our world's Gigi's friend but as someone who knows more than you think.

Get out. You're too good for a selfish prick like George Wickham. Leave him, go to William. He'll help you back on your feet.

May 7th, 2013

Filtered to Jane and Lydia

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So clearly there is something neither of you have told me, so let me just throw this question out there. Why exactly does the crazy vampire want Lydia specifically?

Filtered Against Lucifer

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Lily did want to pass a message on but you know, she's a little indisposed right now.

I think I've given you all ample time to think about my offer. So you could keep looking or Lydia Bennett can give me what I want.


How long do you think before you realise how futile fighting me is?

May 4th, 2013

Filtered against Evil, Lord Harry/Hal and Lily Potter

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So, given how many new people we have, both normal new and swapped out new, I'm going to be holding a basic "Welcome to Lawrence" class on Monday.

What is this class? Well [Insert description because of reasons] There are other classes offered as well which I will go into at the class. Regardless of how long you're here, it's good information to know because well, anything can happen at any time.

As for me? I'm Elena, I've been in Lawrence for two years and have helped at the regular Welcome to Lawrence class and have attended all the classes offered.

Thus, class on Monday at [time and location that will be easy for everyone] It's not mandatory but it's definitely recommended.


Why? Why would you
I can help, I can get you to
Does it even matter? If you're switched out then
I hate that we're at this place and I don't even know why
I hate all of this

May 3rd, 2013

eta: No evil, no Lord Harry (???) and no Lily Potter apparently?

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My name is Lizzie Bennet and I am going to momentarily abandon my use of four syllable words and instead say WHAT THE EFF JUST HAPPENED?!

February 14th, 2013

Filtered against evil and Dark

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[Filtered; Lydia] He's really not that bad.
If George shows up here I swear to GOD. I will cut off his
I am so happy you're not upset here
I am so GLAD you haven't been watching


This has been a really good day for me.

February 4th, 2013

Filtered against evil and Dark

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With all of the craziness that’s happening, I thought it might be a nice idea to talk about all of the good things that are happening in everyone’s lives.

I’ll go first.

I managed to say the first line of the exorcism correctly today and I have an interview for a job tomorrow. How were the rest of your days today?

January 31st, 2013

anti-evil forcefield activate

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Wow. I just realized that my college degree means nothing here because I have no proof it even exists. How is anyone getting jobs here that are better than being a fry cook? Because I? Am not the chef in the family and I don't think a grease fire will help my resume any.

[Filtered; Jane]
I really should have known better than to watch. This right here? Calls for emergency tea. Or fire arms practice and yeah, wow, can we discuss the fact that I am offering that as a suggestion at some point too?

January 10th, 2013

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Wow. That? Was a really bad idea.

I am so, so, so sorry. Like. Unbelievably sorry. I am really sorry.

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I'm firing up shooting lessons on Saturday. It's at [address] if you want to stop by.

Everyone been doing okay? See anything weird happen lately?

Have you sobered up? We need to talk about this.

(Ruby, Bobby, & Booth)
You know the house that I've been actively avoiding over the past...forever? The one that my mom died in? Same house Azazel decided to bleed down my throat in?

Dean went out and bought it.

January 4th, 2013

Filtered against evil?

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Hello, everyone.

Grace said I should come on here to try and get more information about what’s happening. She said we're supposed to filter against evil, though I have to wonder if maybe we talked to those who are doing not so nice things that maybe they'll make better choices.

I’m not too sure what I should be asking. It’s not really every day that you’re in LA one moment and then in the middle of an Apocalypse in Kansas the next. Or at least, not for me. It’s a bit insane.

Not that I think I’m insane or that any of you are insane. That would be rather impolite. And I don’t mean to imply that I think any of you are that way.

Any help you can provide would be most welcomed.

December 17th, 2012

Filtered against...Evil? And Lydia

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Spill, internet denizens of Lawrence, Kansas. How long has Lydia been like this?

And who or what is Peter?

December 16th, 2012

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Ladies and Gentlemen this is not my idea of a funny prank. The apocalypse? Come on really? I mean sure there was the whole Mayan Calendar thing and people going out and donating all their money and worldly possessions last year, but really?



Next time the internet comes and decides to chloroform me in my front yard, or knock me over the head, or whatever it is you people did to me, do me the courtesy of coming up with a better lie.

And don't leave me next to a library.


I should not be giving my kidnappers advice.
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