War Is Coming Communications.

September 13th, 2015

September 13th, 2015

Network Post; Amy Pond

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[Filter: Rory & the Doctor]
Um. So. Weird thing happened.

Really, weird thing.

Network Post; Ben Skywalker

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[Filter: Thea]
I'm waiting to find out when we're taking this trip.

You aren't backing out on me are you?

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So this is weird, right? Sort of at a loss for words, which is totally not like me. I'd say to ask Tom and Hal, but I haven't seen either of them in a while now.

I'm Alex.

netpost: rose hathaway

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I know it was awhile ago, but that dance Thea had at Verdant was really cool. Maybe I needed to get out of Lawrence to I think sometimes we don't do enough things like that - just getting together and having a good time - with everything else that goes on around here. The last couple of weeks, I've been trying to focus more on the good in my life instead of dwelling on all the bad shit that's happened here, especially lately. It's weird to think I've been here for a little more than a year now. So much has A lot has happened in that year, both good and bad, but I think the good actually outweighs the bad, overall.

cut, not filtered )

I hope that's an attitude I can hold onto for awhile.

I know I thanked you before, but... thanks. For knowing what I needed when I didn't really know, myself. Now it's your turn, okay? You and Robin should get away for while, too. You can even leave the boys here, if you want. I promise not to let them burn the house down.

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Things are looking up. The photography teacher at the high school had to quit because of health reasons and I happened to be in the office filling out an application and they offered me the job! So starting Monday I'm teaching photography at Lawrence High School. I'm kind of excited about that.

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I know there's a war going on, but who exactly are we fighting? It seems like everyone is waiting around for something to happen

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It seems like the year is flying by too fast.

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I think something's up with my eyes...
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