War Is Coming Communications.

June 14th, 2015

June 14th, 2015

netpost: skye

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Well, now that everyone can see everyone else again...

Hi. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Skye and one of the things I do around here is organize the graveyard patrols so that we can try to make sure we can any newbies right away and get them up to speed. We've lost a lot of people lately again, so we're a little light on coverage. That means I could use some more people, both to help man the building where we keep an eye on the cameras and to actually patrol the graveyard and serve as our welcoming committee.

Here are the current teams. If you're interested in helping out, let me know. If you want on a certain team, let me know that, too.

cutting for length )

Each team is on one day a week and we alternate which teams take the weekends. Ideally, it would be great to have enough people to just do seven teams of at least four people each, but for now this is what we've got.

You can see the schedule here. Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know.

netpost: faith lehane

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Am I the only one getting a bad feeling about all the weird crap going on? Cause this is the kind of weird shit that usually goes down right before the Hellmouth busts open or something.

netpost: snow white/mary margaret

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It turns out that this Lawrence isn't all that different from Storybrooke. I'm not sure I find that thought very comforting.

Thank you to those who helped look after my son* during this latest mishap. It was rather disconcerting to be unable to see him, but it did help knowing that someone could make sure he was okay.

[* I didn't get a chance to do a post during the plot, but if you want your non OUAT character to be someone who helped out, I'm happy to handwave that.]

( OUAT Castmates & Friends* )
Now that we can all actually see each other again, I thought it might be a good time for us to all get together. How does dinner sometime this week work for everyone? I know Regina is planning something for the July 4th holiday, but I don't want to wait that long to see all of you.
[* if you attended Regina's Memorial Day barbeque, please assume Snow made it a point to get to know you and that you are on this filter!]

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I feel most fortunate to have made some friends in the land who are willing to care for my son when I cannot. Are occurrences like what happened this past week common here?

Nevertheless, it is good to have things back to normal. There are a number of faces I very much missed seeing.

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Before Ollie was sent home, we were planning a charity event at Verdant. A big part of that was a kind of date auction, but I seem to have lost most of my volunteers, so... if you're willing to have a few hours of your company auctioned off for a good cause, please let me know.

I miss him

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Someday this infernal place will be done with me

No Known Threats

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So, what's the betting that we wake up to more crap tomorrow morning? If the seal sticks to it's current schedule.

I'm going to get wasted now, and hope I can just stay tanked enough to not care for the next one.
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