War Is Coming Communications.

November 26th, 2014

November 26th, 2014

Filtered away from Children and Rumplestiltskin

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Why is every fucking story about Peter Pan make him out to be a damned fucking hero! He was a monster, and monster who hunted me for centuries. Who kidnapped children and turned them into monsters as bad as himself.

And, worst of all. He abandoned his own son for immortality and the chance to be a child forever. Who fucking does that? Who the hell wakes up one day and says, hey, you know what. I'm going to send my kid to be raised by spinsters, because I'm a selfish bastard who wants to live for fucking forever!!!

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[Spike & Faith]
Should we do something for Thanksgiving?

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I've yet to decide what to do with my unexpected perfectly ordinary Thursday off.

Any ideas?

Against Evil

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So Rose, I know it's well before Christmas, but I think this place might be the place to get an animal.

[Filtered to Caroline]
Rose told me we were invited, and I wanted to check if there was anything that I could bring (Rose said just ourselves, but I wanted to check anyways) or if you needed help with anything for setting up. I know it's tomorrow and I should have said something sooner.

- Lissa

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Veteran’s day was a few weeks ago. That’s the day when we all try to devote a few minutes of our day to remember the tragedy of war, the hardships of soldiers. It’s about taking the time, pausing to reflect on what we’ve lost.

Tomorrow, though. Tomorrow is about thankfulness, it’s about celebrating what we have, it’s about family, and community; fellowship and plentifulness. But I urge you not to forget those that aren’t with their families. The losses, and the sacrifices that were made over decades so that we can sit and be thankful. Be thankful to them; be thankful to them by remembering them.

And while it’s not always pleasant, we shouldn’t turn our attention too far from the origins of this holiday, to the great losses of life, the decimation of the Native Americas and the people who suffered, and who continue to suffer. Remember them too, because the only way to stop atrocities from happening in the future, is not to forget the horrors of the past.

For those here that are missing family, friends or loved ones -- for those here who don’t feel they have a lot to be thankful for, I’m sorry. I know the next few days will be difficult, and the month to come even more so. But please don’t be afraid to reach out to people if you need to -- and those of you that have a place here, that have made a live here, I urge you to be generous, and to be as welcoming as you’d want someone to be for you.

I deeply hope that everyone has a good Thanksgiving tomorrow, and a good weekend ahead. Have a gracious and happy holiday.

And one more thing: Try not to get killed at any stores on Friday.

[Filter to John Garrett] )[Filter to Felicia Hardy & Natasha Romanoff] )[Filter to Tony Stark & Bruce Banner] )[Filter to Skye & Simmons] )[Filter to Grant Ward] )[Filter to Bucky Barnes] )

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[Filtered to all Stark Industries personnel]

With Thanksgiving approaching, there is a lot of talk of being thankful. As we make plans for this brief but welcome pause, the executive team and I would like to let you know how sincerely thankful we are for all the hard work and effort you have put forth each day of SI's existence. It has been a busy and rewarding year at Stark Industries and I am so grateful for your many contributions to our company. You have done a remarkable job at working as a team to achieve great accomplishments, even during times of uncertainty, and your tremendous passion and pride for what you do, as well as the willingness and flexibility you have displayed in the face of change, have truly made a difference in how we work with each other and how we serve our customers and clients.

I sincerely hope you also take a few moments to thank someone around you – a customer, team member or manager, who has personally helped you during the year. When we count the many things for which we are thankful, I am certain some include the very people we work alongside, everyday.

So, between the distractions of big college football games and holiday sales, let’s be cognizant of what America's forefathers intended when they proclaimed a day of “Thanksgiving and Praise,” and focus on our many blessings. And when we return, after some relaxing time off, let’s prepare for a strong finish to the year with only five short weeks remaining.

Thank you very much for doing the good job you have done thus far, and I feel that I can speak for Tony when I say that he would be very proud to call you his employees.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Steve Rogers

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So, we really haven't talked much as I would have liked. But I want to get to know you. I mean, I know you aren't my actual, 100% biological father but yet you still kind of are. If that makes sense. So...could we like talk and stuff? Even if it's just over the network?

Filtered against evil and from Niblet and Faith

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Right. Need of last minute help here. I'm in need of a Thanksgiving meal for myself and two birds from home. And I think it's needed. At least for Dawn. She lost her sister and some others from home recently and needs cheering up. And last Thanksgiving I celebrated I ended up being tied to a chair and had arrows shot at me by vengeance ghosts.


No evil

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I hope everyone has a good holiday and no one gets trampled if you're brave enough to venture out for Black Friday deals.

So. Now that you've had some time to settle into a new world (words I never thought I'd say), we should sit down and talk some after the holidays. There's a lot I need to fill you in on still but I didn't want to overwhelm you when you first got here.

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Anyone feel like going to the movies with me on Friday? No new releases, though. Not in the mood to watch my facetwin be a dick and not in the mood for listening to Khan's facetwin as a wolf.
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