War Is Coming Communications.

November 24th, 2014

November 24th, 2014

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[Filtered to John Garrett]


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[Bucky Barnes]
It looks like we might have a problem, Bucky
[Grant Ward]
News travels fast.

Filtered to Ward

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Garrett's here?

And, you didn't think to tell us?

I knew you hadn't changed.

I'm beginning to see what other me, meant.

ETA:[Filtered to Skye]

You were kissing him?

No evil/bad Heaven/other known threats

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[fwd-dated to around 4:30pm, because I AM IMPATIENT]

It's official. I am officially Davina Claire Gerard. And I couldn't be happier about it.

Filtered from evil and ne'er do wells

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Would anyone wish to spar? I am in need of a distraction.

I am not sure either what I am to do on this day of Thanksgiving either...

Casa de Storybrook/Dark Castle sans Henry

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Someone PLEASE remind me I'm the bigger person and it isn't polite to start battles of calling bullshit on someone else's post...


I know you guys probably don't feel muchlike celebration right now, but you're welcome at our place for Thanksgiving. Henry is even allowing apple pie in the house.

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Why is there so much Christmas before Thanksgiving has even happened? It's retarded.

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[Tony Stark (616)]
You busy?

Filtered away from Marvel (Except Ward)

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Oh, I'm sure you'll all get a spiel from SHIELD and various other associate individuals, about how I'm evil. Maybe you have already.

But, Grant tells me that second chances are a thing here.

So, I thought I would get my side of the story out, to anyone that has any questions.

Name's John Garrett, if that rings any bells.

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[Filtered to Steve Rogers]

Hey, so I've got some forms from the school for you to sign about a skiing trip next month. I just found them in my bag and they're due next week.

Also, you know that John Garrett guy, right?

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This'll be my first Thanksgiving ever without my little brother. This sucks.
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