War Is Coming Communications.

September 1st, 2013

September 1st, 2013

Elijah's presents for everyone

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Present for Rebekah )

Present for Kol )

Present for Klaus )

Present for Caroline )

Present for Rose Tyler )

Present for Lexi )

Present for Lee )

Present for Elena )

Filtered from Evil

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I walked all the way into the city, purchased some tea and returned home and nobody died.

Its the small victories.

That being said I believe I might start taking some classes if it is agreeable. Rose?

Scott and Lydia

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S'mores tonight? There's supposed to be a mixer and I'd feel a little weird just on my own. No pressure, I swear.

friends filter

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S'mores on the roof, guys! I'm totally going up there. Join me!

Filtered Against Evil

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Avengers assemble!...this god damn crib!

ETA: Tony, what would it take to ask you to build this crib for Natasha and me?

Filtered to Lee and Stefan

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It seems that Caroline has determined we should go drinking and 'get along'. And of course since I rarely deny that girl anything I'm going to suggest we do so while they're doing that...girls night thing they have been planning.

Since I assume you're both downing vervain and have been since I arrived I'm not going to bother making promises as regards compulsion but I will concede to a promise not to rip your hearts out.

See, we can be civilized.
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