War Is Coming Communications.

January 9th, 2013

January 9th, 2013

No evil

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Now Ancient Aliens is trying to claim that Poseidon was really an alien and not a God. Now I've heard everything.

Filtered Against Evil

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Compared to Thorin Dreamboatshield, Batman is a whiny little crybaby.

On the one hand, I should probably be a little more disturbed. On the other, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and therefore, don't care. If all of Middle Earth wants to appreciate the hotness of one incredibly sexy dwarf, go for it! And then they can all be jealous because he looks even better when

Now, Robin, where's the epically long parody about how gorgeous you are, hmm? Come on, waiting, I have all day.

(ooc: handwavehandwave that part about the TOTALLY NOT PUNCTURABLE Vampire Diaries is not in there)

no evil thank you

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May I ask how the rest of you cope with constantly being told you look like the actor or actress that plays you? While I’m used to being looked at oddly by my classmates it’s become quite annoying. I’ve tried staying to the library more often than not but that only adds to the looks and gossip as its something my character would do--which I am me so it can be a bit confusing.

I also do not understand many of the jokes made my way about my name or shipping wars. What is a shipping war?

Text to Rose

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>>Is it weird of me to miss the kids we haven't had yet?
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