War Is Coming Communications.

March 25th, 2012

March 25th, 2012

Filtered to family/Force Users

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Things with Mara and I are, I believe, as okay as they can be. You don't need to worry about retaliations or escalations.

I'm sorry I caused you this.

[Tenel Ka]

She could have killed me, there were times I admired her restraint for not doing so.

That was difficult.

filtered against evil and moriarty

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I fear I'm getting a touch of Cabin Fever and a dreadfully uncertain on how to remedy this. Been spending so much time in the medical bay that I've very nearly forgotten what my flat looks like. Sherlock you haven't been shooting holes in the walls have you mate? I don't believe they would appreciate that in such close quarters.

filtered against evil and moriarty

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I haven't been so active on the boards recently. I've been getting things straightened out in my life. For those who don't know me, my name is Seeley Booth with the FBI. I'm around for any legal needs within good reason of course.

Which does not include obtaining flaming swords. Sorry.

I've been told some information about this Molokov but if you don't mind meeting with me so I can hear your side of the story from you and not another source?

Filtered to Chris

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I had fun the other night. We should do that again sometime. Soon

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[Filtered to Jacen Solo and Kon-El's guardian(s?), whoever that may be.]

I don't know how much Kon-El or Allana mentioned about they're having assisted with the exorcism of their high school instructor, Mrs. Winters, but rather against my will, they insisted upon helping.

[cut to save friends lists] )

[ooc: added in after speaking with Jacen]

Would you be interested in teaming up one more time? I could use your help.

[ooc: added in after Clark's response]

Would you be interested in teaming up one more time? I could use your help. Allana is already on board.
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