War Is Coming Communications.

December 24th, 2011

December 24th, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter

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Call me a cynic, but I didn't actually expect that to work... I mean, I guess I should have, plenty of you have done it already, but...still. Wow. All right, then. I guess it could be considered magic, but there's got to be some kind of rational explanation, too. Right?

In other news, isn't he beautiful? Whatever, I don't even know you people


Thank you for the gift. That was unexpected very sweet of you. Which one are you again?

filtered against baddies

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Hey so, if anyone see's Image and video hosting by TinyPic that guy running around the complex ever, he's mine. He's mostly going to be with me though so it's probably obvious, but he answers to the name Krypto and understands English commands. He also has a lot of the same powers I have and is from Krypton. Clark gave him to me back home in Smallville a while back and had him pretty much trained up so he shouldn't be too much of a bother. I'm still working on getting him to listen to me but that's another sto

Filtered to Florence

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I know it's been forever and this is probably a total longshot, but...are you still hanging around...?

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Kansas..... I feel justified in saying both what the hell and there's no place like home...compared to here.

Where's the quickest airport around here? I'm a city girl and New York is definitely calling my name, as nice as a visit to the midwest is.

Plus I want to get away from this damn ugly bauble thing, what the hell is this? This shouldn't be in the mundy world damn it


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Last night was amazing.

Have you made your wish yet? I can't tell if mine was granted just yet.

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[ooc: Everyone's gifts are listed because I'm lazy, deal with it =D]

Working the Elf Shift )

Filtered to Rent crew

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Christmas Eve. Pretty important day for us huh?

I wished the drugs away, the addiction. I know its a cheap way out but it was there, and its done and...yeah. I thought wishing the HIV away was a bit cheap and well, I should be dead already right, and I'm not so this was the thing I wanted to change most.


I'm sorry.

Can't we start again? Properly?

Text to Kimberly

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I believe you and I have plans tonight.

Filtered to Romana

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They're...they're gone...the drums...

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to Elena a locket pendant necklace AND stuff to say soft and calm people down
to Lexi Brandson Every partyvamp needs a set like this. Sorry?
to Viki Donovan These are delicious.
to Elphaba Green is such a beautiful color. Enjoy these!
to Galinda This just screamed Galina when I was in the counter
to Dawn earrings that look like their shooting through the sky
to Violet A book of vampire lore, I thought you’d like you.
to Cheese Puff a catnip mousy toy and a scratching post
to Stefan a bottle aged whiskey with a note that reads 'Quit with the blood, go with this.'

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Time lines altered, changed. Wished away and gone silent. Doesn't mean anything. Your true nature still lies there, waiting and so much pain will follow.

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PRESENTS FOR VIOLET! Left for her to find when she wakes up tomorrow <3. )
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